Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Damn You!

For most of you that know me,you can know who am I talking about.Yes,no doubt is my mum AGAIN!

Starting from yesterday...

Last night,after we went back home after having our dinner.All of them excluded me,they usually sat on the couch watching television,and my mum liked to bring up those sensitive topics(mean we don't like or bring up with the wrong timing).She made my dad and bro pissed off,so they shut down the television.

She kept saying that my bro didn't study and blah blah blah.HELLO!!!WHO WILL LIKE TO LISTEN WHILE ENJOYING THE MOVIES OR SHOWS!So my dad,started packing something which means he cleaned here and there since my mum didn't do her part.Then,she gave the lame excuse 'today I worked from home so I don't have that time to clean it up!'.Then,my dad said back to her,work from home should do two things one is your work,another one is cleaning the house as a wife should do.

Besides,me and my bro don't like she works from home.Later,she asked me when is my next exam.I really fed up because I have told her countless time.This is making me sick.Here,I admit that I'm wrong because I didn't answer with a good tone.But,she said she wanted to fetch me on that day.I'm sure diagree.REASON:Not because I've paid the money to my friend's mother to fetch me,the MAIN REASON is *when you let others to fetch you,you have to trust that person*right??Yes,she did say what if that day my friend's mother forgot and has something to do.What The Fuck!!!For me,my friend's mother is not that kind of iresponssible as a mother and wife.I know it.DON'T ASK ME WHY!

Because of this,making me a dumb clown.Why?Because if you worry this and that,you shouldn't let ohers to fetch me at the first place.**Yes,when we do something we have to this WHAT IF....**,then we only can be safe and not to make the mistake.BUT,do you know if you keep repeating this all the time:will make yourself miserable and not to trust anyone easily.Sometimes we have to take the risk BECAUSE if you don't you won't succeed it.Just like you into a business which have to cooperate a foreign partner.DON'T SAY THIS IS DIFFERENT!BECAUSE WHEN YOU WANT TO COOPERATE YOU ALSO HAVE TO TRUST THAT PERSON!IF NOT YOU WON'T GET ANY HIGH INCOME,am I right?

Meanwhile,she is a person that is soooooooo xiao qi(in mandarin) and really has that RICh girl's fucking attitude which I really hate.How?when my dad tried to clean up the house which she didn't,definately my dad will throw something.Then,my dad purposely made a desk for her since she so likes to work from home,but she didn't want it.Why?Because is not pretty not suitable for her style.Do you think dad really wanted to do that,is just that we're not rich if we're,we'll definately will buy something more nicer and prettier.OMG!I'm as a daughter haven't has this kind of attitude(luckily I'm yet you have.I really can't tolerate!

Wy she being sooooo xiao qi?Because if she doesn't satisfied something she will do something.Like yesterday,when I was sleeping(Which I couldn't sleep) then she ironned her clothes she PURPOSELY switched on that light to strike to my room!!!Another way that she could switch on another light which is won't distract me.FOR GOD SAKE!!!NO ONE CAN HELP HER WITH THIS FUCKING ATTITUDE!I guess God only knows how to deal with it.If now I'm rich or I can affort to earn money,I DEFINATELY WILL move out!EVERY WEEK,I'm dealing with these.Is making memiserable.

Yes,my dad always tell BE HUMBLE!I did but do you know I already *rean wu ke ren*(in mandarin).Sometimes people also have some temper too.Not to say,I always want to argue back with her.Is just that she keep saying that those stuff we don't like and those stuff which is negative.Fuck You!She said we always insult her especially my bro,but do you know that what bro says is true!Which mean those wrong attitude and those monster attitude.My dad said to us let it be.The one which is don't want face is her not us.But,d you know that,this also can humiliate us when we're in public together.

SORRY,for my inappropriate words that I have used above.>Because,here can say that can express out my anger and DAMN PISS OFF!

2 more Papers to GO!!!


Just left:

Why have to take it so long to finish har???!!!!

Perdagangan(die lor!!!)


OBviuosly,that iI couldn't do.But not all part of it,just like this part I know another part I know just like *pun tong sui*(in cantonese).

But I didn;t put a lot of hope in this subject,so I just hope I can get a D and I'll be happy :)

Is Really Gorgeous! :D

This picture has Mike and Wendy a.k.a Xiaxue(well-known blogger in the world)

I just like this picture because is really pretty and like cantonse people usually say *long choi lui mao*! Hope you get whet I mean^^

Under this picture Xiaxue typed they look liked smooth criminal.If you guys don't know what is a smooth criminal you can check out from Micheal Jackson's music video of smooth criminal. :)

For me they're gorgeously married couple

Thursday, December 2, 2010


First of all,smoking is a bad thing.Because will create a lot of health problems.
Later,I really,no doubt,ultra HATE cockroaches.Lol.

So if turn to you what will you choose?


Amazing and Impressive! :O

She is Kelly Osbourne the daughter of John Osbourne a.k.a Ozzy Osbourne.Her dad is no doubt famous for the haevy metal songs like Gene Simmons.Band of Black Sabbath.If you still have no idea who is her,then turn on to channel 712.She is the some kind of "judges" for the Fashion Police on E Channel ;D

Anyway,now is about her daughter.What a great transformation.Before she was corpulent now she can fit into a bikini.Isn't it amazing?Oh Gosh!I really need to workout after my exams over.I'm happy for her :D

Today Was Hilarious! :D

Today,we having our science paper.So when we finished we could get out eraly if we want too!

So me and Michelle went out earlier,so later on Susan also did the same thing.While we doing our revision,we also did chit chat abit.Then,didn't know what has made us to say about the topic of "names"...Lol

I said the first letter start with S will become successful whatever he or she in the future,but he or she has to work hard then only can be really successful.At the meantime,Michelle said he name starts with 'Sh' is no doubt graet.Such as the celeb Sharon Stone or few others' name like Sheryln and so on...

Later on,Susan cut inside and said izzit mean Sohai?!!LOL
SOhai means um...really hard to explain but is a rude word so better not to learn.
But she no mean to be rude here.She's just goofing around.Then me and Michelle were stunned and speechless for few seconds.Lol.Then,both of us laugh till tears almost came out and we were just totally couldn't focus on what we were doing.

Then,Susan misunderstanding something.I said to her aren't you gonna give your children's name Sohai in the future?!Lol,same thing there we laugh again.I don't think we take our revision seriously.LOL.


Awww...I just love Hello Kitty ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

4 More Papers to GO!

Ish! Ish! Ish!

Why took it so long to finish it???WHY??!!!
Wish me all the best for my 4 papers which are



My Bestie ;D

Finally,I can write about her :) I always want to write about her but sometimes I lazy to switch on my computer and sometimes when I'm not lazy but and forget about this.Now I eventually I can write about my best friend.

Her name is Michelle or you can call her Joy,there have some issues had happened so her friends created a marvelous name for her and that is Joy.

First,I know her for 4 years since I was Form 2 and transfered to this school.We met in our moral class and coincident we sat together.I still can remember she sat on my right hand side :) She spoke to me first since then we become friends.I was happy because I'm a new a girl in this school at that time and lot of things I also blur and kept silent.Because I don't want to trouble anyone and no doubt I'm kinda shy that time.That also because I'm not used to a new environment.THANKS TO HER,GAVE ME THAT COURAGE :)

But at that we weren't closer enough,we just like normal friends.Which were liked seeing each other said Hello or sometimes we will eat together during recess time.I still can remember one time she wore a uniform which is not baju kurung like she usually wears to school.Then,I was kinda curious why she will wear this and furthermore the uniform was not iron at all.But I didn't ask her,because I'm scare that time she will think me very busy body to question her personal stuff.Luckily,she's not :D She did tell me,she said her baju kurung haven't dry completely yet so she had to wear that and also her first and last time wore it.Luckily,I could see it :D

We become closer when we were in Form 4 because we same class with each other.At that momment,we decided to sit together.So naturally we always chit-chat together about her stuff and my stuff,share our opinions and so on... ...what I notice about her is she has lot of positive things which most of the people can't see it.Although she likes to speak some harsh words or bad words but she is mean no harm.The reasons why do I like her so much(best friend's liking each other)LOL.That because she can be really playful almost like mine.Becuase I played with some other girls,they like easily to get mad and have to be careful and gentle because is a girl.Girls need to be gentle all the time.WHAT A BULL CRAP?!!HELLO...WE'RE NOW LIVING IN MODERN YEAR NOT 80's and for lot of guys' out there,they like the girls can be really playful.So what I like about my besttieis this.She can be really lunatic like me :DDD

She always brings me to a brand new world whivh means she always let m know what the world is going on.Because previously I thought outside there lot of weaithy family or guys or girls are just like my aunt.But no,they are such people that are more richer than my aunt and more power.Previously,I'm like a frog in the well only and she likes a bird had brought me out of the well.If a frog always stays in the well,how it suppose to know what is he ocean look like or how is the river look like and is much more better living in the ocean or river compare living in the well.So THANK YOU! ;D

Furthermore,she's not a calculative person too. ;D so do I :P When I need help she will always try her best to help me.But if come across those thing which she can't help,she will pray for me.My heart was melted like an ice when I first hear it.Because in my life I don't have a friend said to me willing to pray for me even though we're in diffent religion.

I will precious this gift that from God that I could met you,
I will always love you ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Congratulation to the Royal Couple

They finally tie the knot after together 8 years :D
Furthermore,I have one thing to say but don't know whether I can say it out from here.So let me think about first ;D

Don't worry is a good thing not a bad thing :D

I Wasn't Nervous!


When the first day of exam,I didn't feel nervous.I just treat SPM like another test again.Not just me,most of my friends feel the same way too!

If I am nervous,I shall not still blogging here.I'm just like 'You know what?We should relax first :D' and my bro keep asking me aren't you nervous?Why you still can watch tv or surfing the net.

Haha..and I answer him You know what?We should relax first when comes to this

Today... ...

Today,my exam subject is history.

When Im doing my paper 1(objective paper).I used for 15 minutes more to finish it.So approximately at 8.16 am finish.Lol!

The bad thing is we caouldn't come out.Because we being told before first and last 30 minutes cannot go out.Ish!!So I decided to sleep for a while,when I woke up for the first time I thought the time has reached.But no.The time was like stuck there would not move at all.

When it comes to paper 2,the funny thing was that had lot of people will leave the class or hall earlier.Because is history,and most of them didn't study much.Lol...

6 More Papers to Go!

I still have ^ more papers to go!Gosh!!!Damn slow.Why?

I still need to sit for:

Maths->prepare to die,because I'm not good in math.But I will try my best to do it and do lot of past year questions.

Moral->um... ...if I can I want to score an A,because is kinda easy for me ;)

Science->almost same like maths,but better

Art->sounds easy but is really hard,because have to really draw like SUPER pretty.

Perdagangan->um... ...same like economy :P

Economy->um... ...almost same like Perdagangan,but better ABIT as

Wish me all the best! ;D

Thursday, November 18, 2010

After this,I have to chaos!

Which mean I gotta go to study.Eventhough I don't nt to aim A but at least I want to aim B and C.

But for some subjects I really do want to aim A.So chaos!!! Wish me luck :D

Furthermore,I'm getting poor.My purse seems like getting empty really soon ;(

But one quotation is really meaningful.Which is?

Not how much you get or pay,
Is how much you save.

Nervous or what?

I'm having my SPM really soon a.k.a next Tuesday 23rd of November 2010.

I'm like okay with it but not totally relax with it.If I keep thinking and lots of people always asking me 'Are you ready?'Then I will be scared enough to say NO!

But honestly I'm not fully prepare.I feel something is still left out and I don't know what is the thing that I'm still concern.But can say that I'm not nervous like when I was in Form 3 having PMR.Actually I should feel it this way because like this can make more focus toward my studies and to brush up my subjects that are weak.

Furthermore,I'm sick for now.Gosh!Almost exams I get this sickness and haven't fully recover.Damn suffering here and there.Sometimes feel like i'm having fever,sore throat or my throat full of flam.In addition,I wake up almost everyday at 4 in the morning to study.

The reason is early in the morning is quite and the cooling fresh.For me is easily to absorb which means what I study easily get into my stubborn brain.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can I ?

Can I reach my dream? Can I?

I want to become an artist.Can I succeed it? Will I be successful? Why O have this kind of thoughts and become to my ambition?

Because I just want to be.The reason is can earn more money with the legal way.I really want to become.Not to say because I want to be famous or a role model to all of you out there when you see me.

Being famous also have bad stuffs too!Like you can't go anywhere because you become famous.So most of the paparazzi will always stalk you just digging your dirts.No privacy for most of the times.Always need a bodyguard if you in a grand place.Come out from the airport has to wear sun glasses beacuse of the papparazi's camera flash here and there.

Good.Lots of people admire you.Can earn more money.

When I was 13 or 14 years old,I did give some hint to my mum if I'm not mistaken.I asked what if I become a star? sh just said NO! since then I didn't share my stuff mean my ambition withe her or with my dad.Yes,I do know thay want me to be something which is good.But my future shouldn't I have my own plan and my own dream??!!

Please don't call me to fullfill your dreams when you didn't get to fullfill on your own.Is selfish,do you know that?

Every ambition has good and bad.Not to say 100% is good.Or can you guarantee 100% is good?No,you can't.We're just juman and not superhuman.You knew this very well from the begining.

No matter what I will decide what I want to be.

My future,
My life,
Is on me not you guys!


As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
Til the end of time forever
You’re the only love I’ll need

In my life you’re all that matters
In my eyes the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You’re the one that’s there for me

When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you

Is really meaningful,I'm waiting :S

I've watched Hachi :D

I guess I should say I've watched this movie in late September if I'm not mistaken.

Is a really nice movie.If you are a dog's lover,I suggest you should watch it :D
This movie has made me put lots of tears out.I tried to suck it up but eventually it burst out all of sudden.

A beautiful japanese puppy become a dog.It found by a guy and becomes his owner.The dog is so loyal,he willing to wait his master no matter rain or shine at the outside of the train station.....

That's all I can tell :) further information you have to watch it then you'll know it :D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My lovely dongsaeng,Loretta! :D

Is been a while since you called me that to read your blog.When you wrote about me :D I wanted to reply back in here as soon as possible after seeing your blog but that I was exhausted + lazy...Lol

It was really nice when you can know every detail what have we chatted to each other.Furthermore,you thank to your God for making us to know each other even though we far apart.That was so sweet,so no doubt that I will call you sweetie for sometimes :D Because you really are sweetie.

You're a bright and happy child.In addition,we have the similar thing.That thing is our parents treat us the way that are unhappy :D Some of my friends tell me that why should I become friends that are far apart and with the black skin?!!

I answered back to them knowing other countries friends is good.We can know their different cultures and food and we also might be met someone that is better than us.In my mind there is NO RACIST.Because even though is black still a human not a monster.

Who knows someday we reach to their countris and we need someone to help or guide us out.Knowing other friends is good,No matter is white,black,yellow or red.Why don't we get this together and make it a harmony living in this world.

So I am so glad that we can be sister even we're not the same races or religion.But we have same things which are we're girls and human.That is enough for me.But even is boy also can be friends or brothers too!Haha :D

You're a kind,supportive,friendly and considerate person for me :D I ain't lie here,I swear to God :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

I want to watch Step Up 3D

I've seen trailer on and on!
But I still can't watch :'(
So I'm just waiting my friend to help me buy the DVD.

Loretta :D

I've known her sometimes from facebook :D

She is mixed but I don't know mixed with what.Is cool because in your family you could see different people.Not like mine chinese to chinese.Not to say i dislike is just boring though I have 2 cousins that are mixed.But the sad thing is they're live in overseas 1 is in Australia another 1 is in USA.

Anyway,this is about my Loretta :D
She is my dongsaeng and I'm her unnie :D
My hear is melting when you ask me to become your unnie :')
I'm so touched~Lol!
She is such a lovely girl.She is kind and a considerate person.She is a Kpop fan too! :D Same as me~hahaha! *high 5* Shhe is a extreamly,ultra,mega,super nice girl you ever know :D :D I'm fortune to know her even though just from the Facebook not in real person.But I'm still happy with it :)

She said to me before.She will study 1 course that live in Korea for few years to teach there.Which means become a professional English teacher! :D and meet his favourite oppa...Lol (I'm just kidding).Because now you have a great boyfriend,even though he is far away from you.But someday you guys could meet each other.

Furthermore,holding hands together in fron of me and let me see.We can meet each other in Korea someday! :D That what you've said to me! :D I'm happy with it.

Take care your health well ya!^^
All the best for you in everything you do except for commit crimes :P

Love ya ^_<

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I want to watch this movie:Hachiko

This movie is not the latest movie for recently.But I want to watch,I'm a dogs' lover!I will watch this movie soon! :)

Twitter I'm Coming!

I just created a nwe account for twitter.I've known this such a well known website almost like Facebook and lots of celebraties also do play!

But since I'm a dumb ass definately I'm pretty dumb in using,playing or tweet it.Because I'm new!

If you guys want to follow up me my e mail same as Facebook.Thank you! :D

True Blood Season 3~Yummy

Nice!I just love vampires' movie or drama!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Am I Unhappy and Moody recently?

Today,my art teacher said my works recently doing ain't well.She asked why recently I'm like unhappy and moody?I answered maybe I'm exhausted.She asked what has made you exhausted?I said I don't know.

I also did told her I'm taking the vitamin of B Complex.It makes you brain function well,not to get sleepy and focus.But for me just like a sleeping pills.Lmao!Because it makes me feel sleepy.It makes me has to take a real short nap 15 to 20 minutes.Later then,I will be not sleepy till night or midnight.

Then,my teacher told to stop taking it.I was like okay.

Or another reason that is the idiot still exist in my class almost everyday. He has ruined me and my best friend with other friends and our chinese classmates relationship running not so well.

But for I guess is consider okay because I'm still talking with my chinese classmates and friends just only not so much like last time.My best friend was even worst.Not talking to them at all.They like anti her.

All because of the idiot.He knows the truth,if knows my best friend is not a liar and he knows very well almost everything.But end up like this unfortune ending.

If I have the time I will explain in detail about this.

So I hope I can be happy from now on.Thanks Mrs.Shafinas for caring me! :)

My Lovely daughter Stacy Tan,Cheer Up!

Stacy Tan could consider is one of my closest friend.She's my daughter :D obviously is not in real life.

Today I just saw your Facebook has switched to single.I texted you just now asking whether you're doing fine or not.

You replied you were fine and thanks to me for caring you.Although you texted you were fine but I could know that you're not doing so fine about this.

I'm unsure whether is he dumped you or you dumped him.But according to my feeling is he dumped you.Is okay babe!

You're a girl next door.You are cute,pretty,attractive and friendly!He just blind couldn't see your good side.In this world still has lots of guys are waiting you to love and precious it!

So ain't no worries ya,my lovely daughter!You're moody now so is okay.But please recover back soon!

I'm waiting my cheerful daughter back! :)

GP Basic :)

The latest K Pop new artist Korean girl band!
All average 14 years old the youngest is 12 years old!
Gosh!!!I'm old >.<

Anyway,wish yall good luck in the future :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

× Military Service for me! :D

This morning one of my friend told my best friend that she has chosen for the military service.Her first word came out from her mouth was Fuck!Lol...

I didn't suprise much because for me I've known myself 80% that is "Maaf,kamu tiada dipilih untuk PLKN(Military Service)!"Hahaha!The list only one so it has to be passed one class to another class.So kinda slow and excited for those that my friends can't wait to see their names whether are listed.

If I get choose maybe I will be a lil sad because my skin tone is dark and I don't want get more dark and dark skin tone when I get back to KL.But there's a option too!If I get chosen.I would like to go to the Sabah or Sarawak,Malaysia,there are so much fun than here!And of the camp from Sabah if I'm not mistaken,their rooms have air-conditioner.

Anyway,I also get bless from my God that I didn't get choose.Thank you very much God,I love you! :D

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Option is I Choose to Be Silent is the Best!

Not too long ago,I just have my dinner with my dad and bro.My mum had went to else where with aunt which is our neighbour.

My dad drove like as usual and I didn't speak or chat like as usual as well.Suddenly,he used his knuckles to knock my head but not that hard.He said "Why I'm always keep my mouth shut.We're not like father and daughter's relationship!Next year you can find a part time job to work but like this kind of attitude you won't success.Because you're always keep your mouth shut!"
After hearing these I still keep my silent.

The reasons why I would choose to be silent because:
1.I'm scare that I will say the wrong stuff and let you scold.Yes you said to me before when you scold me is correcting my mistakes.But seems like I everytime I open my mouth and speak out it will be got scold from you.
2.I used to be asked you something that I don't know but you rarely answer back or get scold because of my stupidity.
3.You said to me before treat you as friend like talking and chatting.I can't because for me when I asked or spoke out something it will end up like number 1 I've just said.

So these are the reasons I chose to be silent and for avoiding get scold from you.

I don't know why I'm scare toward you.Maybe I still can't forget that you've slapped me till my front tooth came out when I was the age of 5 or 6.Because that time I'm a food picky.So you've slapped because I'm choosing the food that I like to eat.So maybe on that day on wards.I just said MAYBE,I'm still unsure the reason why I'm afraid of you.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nobody But Myself

I didn't get much love from my parents so I aspect that I will get more love from you all.

I feel like I'm an outsider or garbage.Whenever all of you don't want then all of you just throw into the dustbin.

No matter how I pleased all of you.All of you still remain the same attitude toward me on and off the computer screen and in real life.

I'm feeling like I get ABANDON all the time.Everytime I can talk to all of you I'm feeling reall grateful and happy.But when it comes to my mistake which I'm not doing in purpose.All of you start to stay away from me.

Maybe I'm saying or asking that something wrong without any notice.So I'm sorry,you can tell me.

Everytime I'm feeling sad,cry and moody for most of my days.I don't want go through this kind of life anymore.

I rarely show out my emotion.But all the time I don't want but sometimes I just can't control my tears flowing out.I'm feeling sad and crying instead of piss off.

If all of you choose to do that so please don't find me at the first place.Is really hurtful.I also can feeling that bottom of my heart is crying too

I don't want get ABANDON anymore.This feeling is not good at all.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Weird or Funny? LoL

This morning,I went to school as usual and I'm exhausted!Because is a Monday.Usually most people say Monday is a new fresh day to get a new start.Urgh~from my point of view is Not!If you want to know the reasons so you should see my previous blog 'Oh Shit'!

Okay,enough for my stuff!I post the title of weird or funny because this morning had happen a weird or funny stuff.

Before the assembly started.One of my friend Kyvern a.k.a Verny(I do not know her well,the reason why I know her that because she tuition the same class with me) had suddenly wished me Happy Belated Birthday!My reaction for her was a big Har? Came out from my mouth :-S instead of saying thank you to her.LoL!

Because my birthday is on 21st of February.This is real late!

So for you guys who visits my blog,so do you think is weird or funny?


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cool *_*

Finally I know what is Parkour!
Gracias Arturo Ramirez Van Rosenberg! :D :D
Is great!I wish I can do that as well! -_____-


Tomorrow is Monday!!!

Lazy to wake up early in the morning!
Lazy to attend the most boring assembly ever!
Lazy to listen to those teachers announcement!Blah Blah Blah~
Lazy to face those people in the school which I hated!

Monday is BORING!!!

The K Pop's Queen is back! ♥♥♥

BoA is back!♥♥♥

I've watched her performance from the Music Bank!It was an Awesome welcome! :D And I also can't wait her upcoming movie! :D

*oh-oh-oh-oh Hurricane-cane-cane Venus* :D

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Best Friends!

FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
REAL FRIENDS: Is the reason you have no food.

FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
REAL FRIENDS: keep your stuff so long they forget it’s yours

FAKE FRIENDS: know a few things about you
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you

FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say ‘I’M HOME!’

FAKE FRIE NDS: Are for a while
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life

FAKE FRIENDS: will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock the person out that talked bad about you

Arturo Ramirez Van Rosenberg

Haha,what a long nice name that you have! :D

I've promised I will write something about you.So now let's begin.

Since July if I'm not mistaken,I've known you from the Facebook.You;re a mexican so obviously you're staying in Mexico as well! :D

You're a good looking,muscular,active in sport,friendly and funny person.Because when you put the emotion I definately will LOL!Because those emotion are so cute and funny.Just can't stop laughing.Hahahahaha~

You know how to speak spanish as well!That's awesome :D
You've taught me these:

Hola = Hi
¿Como estas? = How are you?
Estoy bien = I'm fine
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You're welcome
...Adios = Bye
¿De donde eres? = Where are you from?
(Thank you so much!!! Gracias!) :D

For me spanish is a beautiful language because the way of talking is really nice and smooth.Lol!You must be laughing now.Hahaha~

You're a fans of Korean pop as well.Hahaha~high five,me too! :)
Your country have lots of delicious food that you;ve shown me the pictures.I can imagine how yummy is the food!:D And you've promised you will cook for me to taste it when I have the chance to visit your country.So please don't forget ya! I'm looking forward to it! :D Lol.

In addition,I also promise you I will bring you to eat the food is delicious here as well!If you get the chance to visit my country :D

So te amo my friend! Hahaha,don't be shy or cry when you see this...LOL!!!
Nice to know you :D take care ya!^^

Are You My Mother?

Here,I have to say sorry to my friends that you are loving your mum so well.

But mine is way more different than you guys' mum.

Why on earth that I have this kind of mother? Why would I say that?

So let's begin the real life of my drama!Today my mum tolde me that she will be fetched me on 7.45 pm from the tuition but my class finished at 8.00 or 8.05 pm.The reason that why she had to fetch me early back because at *.00 pm she had a comference call all the way from U.S. So I'll say okay.

Until 7.25 pm she texted me a message that she can't fetch me back early and Called me to finish the class.She will be called me back when she is done.You wonder why she will make this kind of decision right?Because she said my brother had tuition on 8.00 pm near my house.

This how I get my temper so hot!SShe could fetch my brother to his tuition centre ealy and fetch me like 7.45 pm like what she has said.Not to say I do not willing to wait is just that you're always think about yourself and my brother as well.Why would I say this again?Because as a mother you should put your family position first.Maybe your husband doesn't love you like last time he did.But you still can put the children first.

Always side my brother,anything goes the first person you going to blame is me.I'm not a victim here okay,I'm also part of the family.Sometimes you are clumsy that you didn't notice and we just remind you or inform you with a nice tone.Then you raise your voice say no I'm right I didn't is you are the one who clumsy.Oh Gosh!!!You always scold me I should use a nice tone to ask you something and while talking with you.But why should I do that?Because you answer me back with a harsh tone.

You always say me after I getting a poor grades I won't feel sad or something so it means I do not care about it.You're wrong!I will feel devastated you just can't see.Most of the night before I went into my la la land,iI will put on my tears.Not to say I want,is just that I can't control my tears.Obviously,other things also involv too.

Furthermore,please do not be a selfish person.Just now,about one small incident you wanted to call and texted brother's tuition teacher.Don't you know that the teacher just laboured a new born baby yesterday?You said you don't care!Okay,so do not blame us will do almost the same thing to you someday!People need some rest okay.You;ve got money.So What?Money is not all yours and we can't earn all the money in the world.Money also can be our evil side.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Sweet 14 Dude!

Today is 1st August 2010,12.05 a.m.

A new day just arrived and today is my brother birthday!

Happy Birthday bro!
May all your wishes come true excluded for commit crimes and does something that is horny! :-D

I didn't get choose by PLKN(Military Service)! Yay!

The first person I have to thank is the God! Because God Bless Me to not to get choose!Thank you very much :D

I don't want get choose is because I don't want get a darker skin.Let's imagine that I'm become an Indian~this is the big NO for it!!!Come on I'm chinese and I don't want to change my race.Yes,I doubt that chinese people also can get a good tanned skin.I have but if I still continue make friends with Sun.I can guarantee that my skin colour will change to dark chocolate.Not to say I'm racist here,I just want to get back and remain my own skin colour!

Recently,my friends said to me I'm getting darker and look abit like Malay people.OMG!!!I just can't except it but fact is fact,we cannot change.Why?!Because this is Life!! ish ><

So now I wish I wouldn't get choose again,because we have to check the list again on November.

GooD LucK to me!!!


Haha...since a long time I didn't update my blog.Sorry to you all which you have been viewed my blog.But I guess I don't have much readers maybe 0 reader.Am I right? :D

Because my blog consider private for me not like my friends.Their blog like so public.Good thing is I can go and 8 about their stuff :D Bad thing is I don't like many people to read mine.As you can know blog can consider as my private stuff :)

So my blog just only a few of my close friends have known,not more than 5 :D

I will try to update but I couldn't 100% guarantee that I will update it every single time.

As you guys know I'm just a lazy bum :D hahaha~

I'm Trying :D

This post I type it from my phone now.Not pc.Because currently I have my own opera mini in my phone that could surf the net without charging any money :D !

This I have to really thank Ivan Lim,Kee Ann and J.W. Leong for helping me this out! :D Thank you so much! I've promised you guys that when I'm rich I definately will feed you guys' good food! :P

Is a good thing to have this opera mini because you can surf the net anytime you want :D But the bad thing is my keypad is getting more worse.Now my all my phone's keypads are spoilted except for 4,0 and * LoL!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


J.K. here not stand for Japan and Korea! Hehe~
J.K. stand for Jason Kang!

So sorry bro now I only write about you.I've promised you since the last month's school holiday that I will write about you. Kuminasai,oppa! haha~just learnt that both language :D

Now I have to flashback to my year of 2008 if I'm not mistaken.Because since that year I have known you until now.It was you added my Friendster and my Msn,so on that day onwards we've known each other,right?'re a quite hard working person,like to study,a big eater like me :P.You're good to everyone.Haha~don't be so fast to burst out your tears! :P You live in Kelantan but came to KL to further your studies.So good luck for that!

I remember that you said to me you wanted to present a pair of earrings for me but you presented me a Birhday card instead.Because you said you did not have plenty of time to go for a walk in the supermarket.But I'm still happy for it :D because also considered a gift :D So does it ring a bell for you?

Another thing that I still remember that you've spoke to me once through the phone.But I have forgotten how is your voice now,sorry :S But I know that you spoke very fast because of your nervous emotion making me nervous as well.Thanks for that.I remember that we just chatted for 10 minutes only.LoL!

In addition,I remember that you told me about your uni stuff.Like a malay girl had sex with another man in your uni and the video posted it online.The song from he video is Thinking of you by Katy Perry.I'm good with memories right? :P

Furthermore,you're a person whom speak rude and harsh words as well,so do I :D but are when we're hit the roof that time :) I remember we have racing in the msn to type out those harsh words.That's really fun but eventually the game has stopped by you.Because you said that is not a good thing :( But also consider good too,because we're also a pure persons right? :P

Recently,I mean this year you told me that someday you'll bring me to your hometown to taste the Nasi Kukus with Ayam Goreng.I won't forget that :P because I'm a dustbin.Haha :D

You're a good guy and wish you can find a good girl that you wanted for a lon time.Then,wish you good luck in everything that you doing excluded for commit crimes :D

I know you'll be felt very touch from the bottom of your heart.Don't put out your tears so easily because you're male not female.Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :P

Take care,bro! :)

A big WOW!


Because it has been a long time I didn't update my blog.
Because of my busy,exhausted and lazy..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

당신을 사랑합니다

당신은 항상 내 가슴속에 있습니다

정말로 미친 듯이 깊게

난 당신의 꿈, 난 당신의 환상있을거야 너의 소원이 될테니까요.
난 당신의 희망, 난 당신의 사랑이 모든 것을 당신이 필요가 될테니까요.
난 매일 숨을 더 당신과 진정으로 깊이 ... 미치도록 사랑합니까
난 내가 새로운 시작 믿는다 충실한 '원인 제공자가 될 강한 것입니다.
생계를 위해 이유. 깊은 의미합니다. 그래 ..

당신과 함께 산에 서 싶어요
당신과 함께 바다에서 목욕 싶어요.
난 영원히 이렇게 누워 싶어요
하늘 아래 내가 쓰러져서 때까지.

그리고 별들이 밝게 벨벳 하늘에서 빛나고있다
난 천국에 그것을 보내 당신이 ...를 감동했을거야 소원을 비세요거야
모든 쾌락과 확실성에 대한 기쁨의 눈물.
그건 우리가 편안하고 ...의 보호에 의해 포위
최고의 힘을. 외로운 시간 안에. 눈물이 당신을 먹어 치 웁니다 ..

당신과 함께 산에 서 싶어요
당신과 함께 바다에서 목욕 싶어요.
난 영원히 이렇게 누워 싶어요
하늘 아래 나를 위로 폭포까지 ...

오, 당신이 아기를 볼 수 있을까?
당신은 바로 당신 앞에 서의 눈 '원인을 닫을 필요가 없습니다.
모두가 자네가 반드시 올 것이다 필요해 ...

내가 당신의 환상있을거야 너의 소원있을거야 너의 꿈됩니다.
당신의 희망, 난 당신의 사랑, 다 당신이 필요가 될테니까요.
난 매일 숨을 널 더 사랑 할게 정말 미친 듯이 깊이 할 ...

당신과 함께 산에 서 싶어요
당신과 함께 바다에서 목욕 싶어요.
난 영원히 이렇게 누워 싶어요
하늘 아래 나를 위로 폭포까지 ...

당신과 함께 산에 서 싶어요
당신과 함께 바다에서 목욕 싶어요.
난이 일을 평생 같이 살고 싶어요
하늘 아래 나를 위로 폭포까지 ...

Purest Of Pain

I'm sorry I didn't mean to call
but I couldn't fight it
I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it
and so I surrender just to hear your voice
I know how many times I said I'm gonna to live with out you
and maybe someone else is standing there beside you
but there's something baby that you need to know
that deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back my fantasies
the courage that I need to live
the air that I breathe
carino mio, my world becomes so empty
my day's are so cold and lonely
and each night I taste
the purest of pain.
I wish I could tell you I'm feeling better every day
that it didn't hurt me when you walked away
but to tell you the truth I can't find my way
and deep inside me I feel like I'm dying
I have to see you it's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back...


Exam starts at 18 May 2010.
Have to do well.
At least pass or until to my average.

Wish me a big GooD LucK!!!

R.I.P to my uncle in Penang

He's my uncle.He is related to my gred-grandmother.Now he is 95+++ years old.

Also a good thing for him to rest in peace.Not to say I hate him I'm not or not to say I'm cold blooded which I'm not as well.

Because he looks like getting more weak day by day.In addition,his wife has passed away early.He now can see and be with her in other better place.

He's wealthy.
He's generous.
He's kind.
He's strong.

We love you no matter where you are or what you have become for the next time we have the chance to see you.Now you can finally relax.

R.I.P to my dearest uncle

Yay =D

My mum is not around for 3 days.I'm getting hyper and hyper hyperactive now! LOL

Even though today is Mother's Day.So??
Not to say I don't care is just that my mum kinda like doesn't deserve it.You sure said that I'm not a good daughter or to be good to my own mum or how could I treat my own mum like that.But most of the people see this sure won't understand if for some of my close frienda they do understand than you guys.

the only thing she deserves was that made me came out from this world.
So at here I say to here Happy Mother's Day for this.

Further more,she is leaving the house pretty soon I guess is around 5 p.m. Her cab will take to the international airport=D She flying to India.

Then next month she would go to U.S.A.

Muahahaha~but also have one sad thing.
The thing is I cant go to U.S.A. with her =(

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Again~I should post this on last night but I did not.Because my parents were in the house + I'm exhausted as well.

Yesterday,I went for my History tuition as usual.Our teacher tought until half way than say about blog.We did not know why and what was the reason as well.So teacher said we must revere and also listened it blindly for sometimes.

He said that in our class got someone's blog wrote about his bad stuff.For an example he's a lousy history teacher and so on.For sure that person was not me.Because my blog just let some of my close friends know only and I did not add up anyone.Because my blog for me can consider very personal stuff for me.

Our teacher's name is Siiva,so we call him Cikgu Siiva or Sir.Most of the time we also call him Sir.Because the sound is better than Cikgu Siiva.LOL~

But for me this teacher is very good.For now is my favourite and best teacher for teaching History.Usually History subject for everyone also damn boring including me,but since I've known this teacher so History for me is quite okay now.LOL~

Sir,I've just wrote about you.But ain't no worries because is good stuff.I wrote from my bottom heart do not have any lie in there and here as well.I guess.


R.I.P Faris

I should post this on yesterday when I've heard this pathetic news.

One of my malay friend has just passed away on Sunday 18 April 2010.Although he's not a very close friend of mine and we study in different classes.

But he still a funny boy for us in my school.He's cute,fair and had big pretty eyes.Principal decided to donate some money to his family.So yesterday I have donated RM1 for his family including my classmates and his friends as well.

Yesterday,was a sombre day for his close friends and clasmates.

We Love You & We Miss You as well.

R.I.P my friend.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Get The Hell Off BITCH...

Fuck Off to the person of Xiiao Ling!!!

You do not want to be friend of Michelle Wong just say it out.No need to say her because she's rough not gentle enough,speaking very loud and so on.

The main reason you do not want to be friend with her because you lost your battle with her.

Let me tell you that,she does not mind you're fat and your ugly face.But end up you treated her that way.

(When you want to be friends to anyone you have to accept his or her goods and bads),(This only called ReaL FrienD).

NOW I'm telling you that you're fat and ugly.You BITCH!!!Don't try to insult her which you're not the same level as her.

Please do change your Facebook's name.Which my last name also Ling.Do you think you very small? Let me tell you that you're not and you are worse than a giant.Giant might be better than you anytime.

So don't be afraid my little friend Michelle Wong ya~as a senior and friend I will protect you.

행운을 빌어요

내 모든 친구와 올해 SPM에는 발생 친구들에게 행운을 빌어요!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

당신과 함께 왜 그랬 떨어지는 사랑을 ~ 가사

왜 내가 당신과 사랑에 갔을까?
시간이 얼마나 흐르던
난 항상 여기있을 줄 알았는데
하지만 당신은 다른 경로를 선택
내가 왜 당신에게 전달하지 못했습니다
매일 매일 밤 재배 생각
단어 흐름 시작
하지만 그들이 당신을 액세스할 수 없게됩니다
오늘 당신을 만난 이후로
내가 당신을 아는 것 같은 느낌
우리가 함께 너무 자연스럽게 녹아
어디에 있든 우리가 함께 갈거야
당신은 자연스러운 일이 필요
우리 둘은 함께 어른이되었다
하지만 당신은 다른 경로를 선택
왜 내가 당신과 사랑에 갔을까?
시간이 얼마나 흐르던
난 항상 여기있을 줄 알았는데
하지만 당신은 돌아오지 않습니다
오늘은 항상 특별한 의미를해야합니다
오늘의 행복은 우리의 얼굴에 서
당신은 아름다운 그림과 하나님을 무시
나는 당신 옆에 축복 이진 않아
내가 말할 수 있으 라구요 작별?
왜 내가 당신과 사랑에 갔을까?
우리가 다시 어떻게 (그것을 고려했다)에 갈 수 없어
돌아갈 수 없다 (그것을 고려)
왜 내가 당신의 손을 잡고 안 했어?
시간이 얼마나 흐르던
당신은 내 곁에서 영원히 (해야하지만 사실 오지는 않았 겠지)
하지만 당신은 여전히 내 측면에서 취해지고
그리고 난 아직도 당신의 영원한 행복을 기원
아무리 (아무리 외롭고 고통스러운)

♥ ♥ ♥

Awesome & Amazing♥ ♥ ♥

America's Best Dance Crew Season 5 Poreotics/Poreotix Compilation Full HD (Championship Run)

This video I really admire theirs' every single dance move.Thumbs Up for them!!!♥ ♥ ♥

Wish All The Best to them.Nice one.Soon I guess I can be like that.:-P
Wish me good luck=)♥ ♥ ♥

I'm Lazy :-S

Lazy is not an excuse.
Lazy is not an escape way.
Lazy can be destroyed you.
Lazy can be your worst friend ever.
So better Beware of it!!!!!

I know how type it out and think these words.But almost all opposite that I typed are happeningon me right now.OH MY GOD!!!!!

Nowadays,I'm lazy to do my revision,lazy to do exercise,lazy to blogging,lazy to do anything and what so ever izzit.Gosh!!!~Who has any method to cure this sickness.

SPM is just around the corner.

I have to be really F.U.C.K this time.





Poor Thing :-(

My friend,Vincent.Ran out of his house last night,actually was his dad chased him out not he ran out.

The reason he has chased by his dad because of the Poker Cards.Yesterday,in class there was no teacher for our science period.So a lot of "Poker Kaki" gambling here and there.But my friend,Vincent did not gamble just play for fun and curing his bored as well.He and his friends(Ah Fan,Teh,Low,Zun Quan) also did played.But they're not gamble.The game thay played was Big Two means 'Cho Dai Di'.

Suddenly,a teacher came in by a thunderstorm and teacher was Miss Ong.Gosh!!!They all have caught by her playing cards.Miss Ong said they gamble actually they did not.But those cards can consider as gamble's cards.Miss Ong said to them,theird' parent had to write a letter for her about knowing they own son gamble in the school.So all kena accept for those other Real Gambling Kaki.What a pathetic incident.

Me,Joy and Peck Loo also can consider quite lucky because that time I'm eating noodles.Joy and Peck Loo listening to music.

Phewzzz~~~~~Thanks to our 'God'!!!

Later,Vincent text message to his dad about writing the letter.Later on,when his dad got back,his dad humbled him a lot.Vincent did not answer back him.Not to mean he doesn't has manners,he just doesn't wants to go against to his dad.After that,his dad simply hit him and quite hard as well.So his dad very angry and chased him out of the house.Furthermore,he also end up very fed up so he took some things and left the house.

Cheer up,my little cute buddy!!!
We are here for you,no need to be upset.

Tomorrow will be more better.

Yay! Finally~~

Finally,you are coming back to home I mean your own house.So that means you pretty soon will be back to school see us again.:-D

What I meant just now was one of my friend had an operation on Monday if I'm not mistaken.See her always eat 2 hot dogs and a little bit of crackers for her breakfast and lunch.That just because she wanted to slim down.

I heard from my other friend said she after eating for a while then stomach starting to pain.Then pain until like screaming for help.The sickness is called by cantonese is 'Ghar Ghar Cheong'.So pity her but these things are in the pass.So just forget about it.Thibk positive be positive ya~My friend Xiiao Yee,Tiffany.

We (included Ah Fan,Nick,Teh,Low(Dad),Zun Quan,Peck Loo,Joy and me as well) miss you so much and Congratulation that you can go back to your house no need overnight at the hospital.

Our these Gaga and Lunatic classmates and friends waiting for you to come back ya^_^

Miss You*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

당신을 사랑합니다

난 항상 당신을 사랑합니다
아무 상관 비가오나 눈이오나
당신은 영원히 사랑한다

즐거운 ~ 하하에 대한 정보 입력

Monday, March 15, 2010

Congratulation to the One and Only:Lee Chong Wei

I should write this on Monday.Anyway still the same right?!!Because I used to post it late...xD

He has won the England Badminton Tournament.A Huge CONGRATULATION to him!!!Not because I'm his fan is just becausehe's a Malaysian citizen and also born in Penang(just like me~hehe),and he has made Malaysia more well0known country.Because lot of people taught that Malaysia's people not that sporty enough.But for most of them are so wrong!!!

Becase Malaysia does haS sporty person like Lee Chong Wei.Just that haven't ome out yet to participate.


Aikss~I did it again!!!

I didn't update my blog for quite a while.Because I'm kinda busy and lazy if I have the time too.I really want to write my blog like my friends use to do on everyday or at least once a week two times.But I can't because I can touch the monitor and keyboard only on weekdays.Saturday and Sunday I can't because my parents are in the house,do not work.And my weekdays are full of tuition except for Wednesday.Grrr!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Great Movie of the Year:AVATAR

I should write this post on yesterday because this 3D movie I have watched was on Sunday.Is a really damn great movie and computer graphic.I love it***

Is a very touching and something really fun world while you're in the forest.the forest is so damn beautiful.You just can't imagine how is the forest so pretty in naturally and unique.The forest is the home of Avatar including those living things in the forest.The flowers can be light up when you touched it.A Big WOW for it if I become the first real Avatar.LoL~

The birds or dragon,the horses and so on.Those animals full of different colours.And when you ride the horses and birds or dragon you have to connect with it.Hard to describe you want ti know more better watch this movie.Really nice graphic and is about the Global Warming.

If I have the chance to be an Avatar,I would love it.So that I can enter the forest happily with the relax mind,no need to think those stuff which is hard like now for me.

Thumbs Up for this Director of this movie!!!

But I don't know what his name,I just know he's the director of the 1992 movie Titanic if I'm not mistaken.Titanic also really damn nice too.

And also Thumbs Up for Leona Lewis because she sang I See You for the Avatar movie.Really nice to listen.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yay! Holiday***

Today is holiday.That is a really good news for me.Because no need to wake up so early like as usaul mean when I have to go school that time.No need wear uniform and comb the hair nicely and neat and so on... ... ...lazy to describe out so put some dots on it.But I think you guys probably need to do what later,especially for Malaysian citizen.

Others places of school no need so many stupid rules to follow and their uniforms prettier than us Malaysian's uniform a lot a lot.For an example Japan amd Korean.These schools are so nice because you don't need to tide your hair up if you want to also can.

I heard from my dad's friend.He's a korean citizen.He said in Korea's school can dye your hair and for the most normal colours in your hair are Gold,Blonde and Red.When I heard this my eyes stared at him as big as I could.Deep inside my heart said "What the hell?!!".The most normal colour are these three.Because if for Malaysian is a big NO.But if you didn't schooling or graduate you sure can dye any colour that you like.

But you just imagine if you dye your hair in Golden colour or Blonde.Many people will stare at you when you are on the street.But if you are in Japan or Korea,there's not much people will look at you like that.This was so great but the bad news for me is I'm still live in Malaysia definately can't do that way and plus I'm schooling too.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So Not Good !!!

Why do I typed the title like that???!!

That's because today not a good day for me I guess because usually my parents are working on weekdays.But today when I got back from school and I saw my mum's car is here and the door is opened too.

The first thing in my mind was,I can't do a lot of my stuff today because she's her now.Usually I'm alone in the house on weekdays so can consider as my private time and also can express my things in what way I have into it.

So today I can't watch my korean drama,I can't take a nap as easy as when she is not around or him means my dad and also can't online as well.You must be wondered how I could write this post when I just now typed I can't online,right?

Haha~That just because I secretly online.LoL***
I'm using a laptop it belongs to my dad.My dad has bought a new for himself because this one I'm using kinda slow for sometimes.So this laptop whose touch the most are me and brother.

My brother uses this laptop to play his favorite online games but for me I don't play games I just sign in my Facebook and Blogger only.Youtube or others still got but less.In addition,I'm not really interesting in playing computer games.

So after I write this I will offline.Because I'm like that using this laptop kinda risky for me.scare my mum will find out I'm using laptop and not studying.So I'm kinda suffering for now.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One More To Go

Just only one more day to go.What I mean is is one more day and also the last day of my exam.Then I can sing "I believe I can fly.I believe I can touch the sky"LOL.

I'll be very thrill and my brain will less heavy like few days ago.I think not just few days ago,I think was few weeks before when I heard the exam start after Chinese New Year.

I still can remember the feeling when I knew this kind of pathetic news.It was like I wanted to scream out loud deep inside my heart,and my heart felt like wanted to burst out as quickly as it could.

But also a bad news in a way too.Because my final real and important exam just around the corner altough is on November.But now deep inside my heart can smell the taste of the 'scaryness'.

Wish I can score well,since I'm not a greedy person.So I just wish I can score good no need so good.At least all subjects I have to pass and my English paper at score a B if an A I'll be very happy as well.My Bahasa Melayu at least score a C or a B if I can.Others I wish I can score at least C but id D also consider okay too.Because at least I don't fail right?

I'm not an intelligent or quick thinker person.So these are my goals for it.Most people like my friends their goals' are straight A's because they are intelligent,quick thinker,smart for everything(mostly).And that'sthe real gold for them.So I'm like a bronze if I compare with them.I think I'm not even bronze too.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hate it!!! Hate it!!!
Hate to listen this word or see this word,and like hitting the roof right to describe me for now.But luckily is just until this Thursday only.If not I'm going to die man.Even though just these few days only.These few days also has been killing me hardly not softly.Wish can be killed by softly.Just like a song 'Killing me Softly'.What a pathetic and sad case I'm dealing with now.

Wish myself to score good marks.No need so good,just good only.I'm also very satisfied already.Further more I'm not a "tamak" person.Hahaha~blekz*** Please God,Please Help me.I'll be very thankful.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Sweet 17♥ ♥ ♥

Hahaha~I should write this yesterday because my birthday was on 21st February for 2010


Thanks to my mum,because she bought me a purple crystal bracelet for me which I wanted this for a long time.LoL


Special Thanks To:

June June



Wei Ye

Jin Chuann

Eason Yong



Hsien Yinn



Yue Dan



Anilan Nair

Xiiao Yee,Tiffany

Florian Marmotte

Zun Quan

Angela Yap

Dave Mah

Cheah Kar Mon

Ivan Lim

Bonnie Tai

Eunice Low


Calvin You

Chui Hwa


Kai Qii


Exuan Tan

Ah Fei

Yan Yan

A Lin

I think that all if anyone I didn't write it down please do tell me on Facebook or other way can contact me ya!!

Above all the names including in my phone's friends,cousin and Facebook's friends.Thanks guys!!!Love you guys~muacksss♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Such A Long Time

It has been a long time I didn't sign in my blog.Because when my school is reopened that time,my hectic schedule is has started just only the started.Gosh!!!I'm exhausted man.

Not to mean I didn't touch the computer,even I do touch I also lazy to sign in just because I'm too tired for it.Occasionally,when I touch the computer also do some research for my school or tuiton.

I wish I'm not a Form 5 student for this year.Beacuse I almost everyday tuition.Wednesday and Sunday only don't have any tuition.Both of these day don't have tuition but do not mean I can totally sit back and relax.I still have to do my school or tuiton work and also revision too.And this year I don't have enought time for my sleeping time.

So in school most of the time you could see me with a panda eyes.Hate it!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today is the third day of school.

Oh Gosh!!!Damn stress because have to wake up in every morning and my tuiton schedule is damn hectic,and my eyes are kinda swollen and dark circles kinda getting darker.

Weekdays for me very hectic and stressful.Damn!!Just feel like want to scream out loud for some help.I wish this world has the click remote control which is can control the word's timing wherever you want.If you have watched this movie "Click".Them you'll understand what I'm saying.

Or have fairy or like the Aladdin movie has the blue monster.It came out from a teapot.Wish these thing will exist in my life.