Monday, August 16, 2010

× Military Service for me! :D

This morning one of my friend told my best friend that she has chosen for the military service.Her first word came out from her mouth was Fuck!Lol...

I didn't suprise much because for me I've known myself 80% that is "Maaf,kamu tiada dipilih untuk PLKN(Military Service)!"Hahaha!The list only one so it has to be passed one class to another class.So kinda slow and excited for those that my friends can't wait to see their names whether are listed.

If I get choose maybe I will be a lil sad because my skin tone is dark and I don't want get more dark and dark skin tone when I get back to KL.But there's a option too!If I get chosen.I would like to go to the Sabah or Sarawak,Malaysia,there are so much fun than here!And of the camp from Sabah if I'm not mistaken,their rooms have air-conditioner.

Anyway,I also get bless from my God that I didn't get choose.Thank you very much God,I love you! :D

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