Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Again~I should post this on last night but I did not.Because my parents were in the house + I'm exhausted as well.

Yesterday,I went for my History tuition as usual.Our teacher tought until half way than say about blog.We did not know why and what was the reason as well.So teacher said we must revere and also listened it blindly for sometimes.

He said that in our class got someone's blog wrote about his bad stuff.For an example he's a lousy history teacher and so on.For sure that person was not me.Because my blog just let some of my close friends know only and I did not add up anyone.Because my blog for me can consider very personal stuff for me.

Our teacher's name is Siiva,so we call him Cikgu Siiva or Sir.Most of the time we also call him Sir.Because the sound is better than Cikgu Siiva.LOL~

But for me this teacher is very good.For now is my favourite and best teacher for teaching History.Usually History subject for everyone also damn boring including me,but since I've known this teacher so History for me is quite okay now.LOL~

Sir,I've just wrote about you.But ain't no worries because is good stuff.I wrote from my bottom heart do not have any lie in there and here as well.I guess.


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