Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yay =D

My mum is not around for 3 days.I'm getting hyper and hyper hyperactive now! LOL

Even though today is Mother's Day.So??
Not to say I don't care is just that my mum kinda like doesn't deserve it.You sure said that I'm not a good daughter or to be good to my own mum or how could I treat my own mum like that.But most of the people see this sure won't understand if for some of my close frienda they do understand than you guys.

the only thing she deserves was that made me came out from this world.
So at here I say to here Happy Mother's Day for this.

Further more,she is leaving the house pretty soon I guess is around 5 p.m. Her cab will take to the international airport=D She flying to India.

Then next month she would go to U.S.A.

Muahahaha~but also have one sad thing.
The thing is I cant go to U.S.A. with her =(

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