Friday, April 16, 2010

Yay! Finally~~

Finally,you are coming back to home I mean your own house.So that means you pretty soon will be back to school see us again.:-D

What I meant just now was one of my friend had an operation on Monday if I'm not mistaken.See her always eat 2 hot dogs and a little bit of crackers for her breakfast and lunch.That just because she wanted to slim down.

I heard from my other friend said she after eating for a while then stomach starting to pain.Then pain until like screaming for help.The sickness is called by cantonese is 'Ghar Ghar Cheong'.So pity her but these things are in the pass.So just forget about it.Thibk positive be positive ya~My friend Xiiao Yee,Tiffany.

We (included Ah Fan,Nick,Teh,Low(Dad),Zun Quan,Peck Loo,Joy and me as well) miss you so much and Congratulation that you can go back to your house no need overnight at the hospital.

Our these Gaga and Lunatic classmates and friends waiting for you to come back ya^_^

Miss You*

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