Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nervous or what?

I'm having my SPM really soon a.k.a next Tuesday 23rd of November 2010.

I'm like okay with it but not totally relax with it.If I keep thinking and lots of people always asking me 'Are you ready?'Then I will be scared enough to say NO!

But honestly I'm not fully prepare.I feel something is still left out and I don't know what is the thing that I'm still concern.But can say that I'm not nervous like when I was in Form 3 having PMR.Actually I should feel it this way because like this can make more focus toward my studies and to brush up my subjects that are weak.

Furthermore,I'm sick for now.Gosh!Almost exams I get this sickness and haven't fully recover.Damn suffering here and there.Sometimes feel like i'm having fever,sore throat or my throat full of flam.In addition,I wake up almost everyday at 4 in the morning to study.

The reason is early in the morning is quite and the cooling fresh.For me is easily to absorb which means what I study easily get into my stubborn brain.

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