Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Am I Unhappy and Moody recently?

Today,my art teacher said my works recently doing ain't well.She asked why recently I'm like unhappy and moody?I answered maybe I'm exhausted.She asked what has made you exhausted?I said I don't know.

I also did told her I'm taking the vitamin of B Complex.It makes you brain function well,not to get sleepy and focus.But for me just like a sleeping pills.Lmao!Because it makes me feel sleepy.It makes me has to take a real short nap 15 to 20 minutes.Later then,I will be not sleepy till night or midnight.

Then,my teacher told to stop taking it.I was like okay.

Or another reason that is the idiot still exist in my class almost everyday. He has ruined me and my best friend with other friends and our chinese classmates relationship running not so well.

But for I guess is consider okay because I'm still talking with my chinese classmates and friends just only not so much like last time.My best friend was even worst.Not talking to them at all.They like anti her.

All because of the idiot.He knows the truth,if knows my best friend is not a liar and he knows very well almost everything.But end up like this unfortune ending.

If I have the time I will explain in detail about this.

So I hope I can be happy from now on.Thanks Mrs.Shafinas for caring me! :)

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