Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm Reallly Scared

Yesterday,was my bother's day to collect his report card.So after my mum,my brother and me went to Jusco Metro Prima for buying some things.Then,we straight headed to my brother's school,SMK Kepong Baru.

My brother's teachers who are teaching his subjects,almost all those teachers are chinese.So Good!!!Not like me just only have two chinese teachers are teaching me in this year.My brother's result are terrible.Much more than terrible.He has twelve subjects and he has been failing all subjects which are E except for two subjects are pass which are C and D.

My mum is so damn pissed.Because she didn't expect my brother will get such a pathetic result.So my mum decided to look for his every main sbject's teacher.Most of the teachers said while he is in the class he is very noisy.Some said he is the leader who making a lot of noise and distracted others who wanted to study.Although my result is not that bad as my brother,but I'm still in Fear of this.

Even though,I'm slightly better than his result.Just slightly only.I'm really scared the day of 15 December 2009.I wish the time can stop.At least for a while.Like this I'm also satisfied.I can say that me and brother study under a lot of pressure from our parents.So even i study how hard i also can't get a good result to impress my parents.Not like my friends study don't have any pressure maybe slightly does have.There also get a good result even though they didn't study at all.

Please help me.Anyone??!

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