Monday, November 30, 2009

Exercise in the Middle of the Night.

Weird right??!

Most of people do their exercise in the early morning or day time.But I prefer in the middle of the night.

I know exercise do in the morning is pretty good than at night doing.Because can burn more calories than at night who those doing exercise.Anyway who cares??!As long as did burned the calories right??!

I love to do exercise in the middle of the night because no one can disturb me and other way I can relax.Not like everytime you go to the Gym Room have someone else.Although,they didn't bother you but for me I more like do my things on my own and no one is around.

So anyone like me,just go for it!!!But I don't think I could do like this anymore.Because my dad is coming bac pretty soon and I don't know when,but I think is really soon maybe is today,tommorrow or the day after tommorow.

When he gets back I cant do it anymore.Because he also a person like me likes to sleep late and pretty late also for couple of times.

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