Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Final Paper of the day

Phewz...finally I can rest my eyes and my brain.Because today is my final exam day.

Hooray!!!I'm very happy about it,noneed to study anymore but sooner I think I have to.Because next year is a horrble year fo me because next year I will be turned into 17 years old,which mean I have to sit for the SPM examination.This thing is very sickening for me.

Anyway like I just said sooner I will be forced back to my "BOOKS"!!!Err...this is not a good thing to me.But is sooner so ,by that time only get frustrated by the "BOOKS"!!!Now is the time to have some fun for me,because I'm deserve it.Haha...I'm kinda vain.

But is a true thing.Who doesn't wants to be fun after sitting more than one week exam.Is a tough week for me,especially my second week of the examssss.It is deplorable thing to happen it on me.Anyway those suck days have just passed.

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