Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Think It's Alright,It's Okay

Yesterday,my mum ain't work because yesterday was a pretty "Dead Day" for me.Because yesterday was my scary momment of collecting my report card.

When we were collecting my form teacher Pn,Azimah said that I'm doing okay in exam only have to put a lot of effort into it only I can get more better result.I fail my Math,Hisory,Mandarin,Economy and Perdagangan.Like I wrote in my previous blog in November.I wrote that above five subjects three of them I did studied and focused on it.But still can't get a good result.

Then,my mum said that my studying subjects have failed just because I didn't study."What kind of crap man??!!!"Anyway I didn't say anything because how to say I also in the wrong for her most of the time.She said most of my method of studying were wrong,but in my thoughts I don't think so.I think every method also right just I can't reach it or totally can't do it even though I did put effort on it.she will never understand me.

Until at night 10.00 p.m. my tuition has finished,I really thought that my dad would scold me or say something.I was really damn afraid of it,even though this always happen on me.Eventually,he did not.I was wondering why he did not do it.Anyway I'm also kinda relax because he did not say or scold me anything.

So I think It's Alright,It's Okay.

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