Tuesday, December 1, 2009

BM Tuiton Re-Open


Usually people just say school reopen and less people like me say BM tuition is reopen.LoL~that just because I'm kinda insane nowadys and I don't know why.Actually I'm not really into it if is school reopen everybody also feels that the same way as me.I guess.

The reason why I would say BM tuition is reopen because this teacher kinda funny and likes to joke around,but doesn't mean he likes to bum around or jerk around,and the most important thing is he gives us the method how to write an essay.

He's a male and Indian teacher.He's not a Malay teacher.Although my bm paper for this term just 47% but I'm still okay with it because at least I didn't fail.But doesn't mean the next time I want to get bac this kind of marks.I will work harder to get more higher marks and bye bye to those marks which I'm not satisfied including this 47% only.

So wish me I have a good time in BM tuition and wish us GooD LucK together with my friends in next year because this is our final year and final exam which is SPM.

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