Friday, December 11, 2009

The End

Today 12 December 2009,is the end of the day I will be alone in the house.Which means both of my parents are coming back.For my brother I'm not sure,I guess he is coming back too as well.

I'm really glad that these two days I can be alne in this house and also can do whatever I wanted to do.Thanks to God too!!!Because in these two days while I'm alone in the house I am safe nothing happen on me including those sounds which are creepy or weird.Thank you so much!!!

But kinda sad too!!!Because today is the end and don't know when can be like this again.Or maybe later on but my brother is here by the time has arrived.So that time I guess I will be with my brother and I can't be alone like these two days.Anyway,I'm also happy with it too!!!I mean is these two days.

At the same time as well,today is the time for my aunt and her family to go back to Sdyney,Australia.Kinda miss my cousin,because he is a brilliant student and also a handsome guy.But I miss him in the way like I treat him like my brother.But better than my brother.He's only 13 years old if I'm not mistaken.

So here I wish them have a nice flight and hope you all will be back sooner to visit us again.Miss you and miss my these two days's momment too!!!

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