Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hard Rock Cafe,PENANG

The white people is sitting is The One and Only KING OF POP,MICHEAL JACKSON.
The four head men are 80's and early 90's famous boy band The Beatles.
The piano with a lot of same pictures and one guitar is the famous 80's Rock n Roll Elvis Persely.

Actually still have a lot of things but I didn't have that much of time to capture.There still has a wall have four pictures of The Beatles head,and Elton John,James Brown,Bon Jovi,Jon Bon Jovi,Limp Bikzit and a lot of famous stars.Some of those clothes have wore by them are there.

There has a store have a lot of blouse,singlet,shorts.Thay all very pretty but very expensive so I can't afford to buy.Most of it are like RM80++

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