Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ikea Ikea Ikea

This blog is not about buying any furniture but is about food. Yeah food AGAIN! Lols...

Inside Ikea has a well known beef meatballs. My boy and I ate it before and we ate again. According to my boy, he told me the price is counted by plate how many meatballs. Some 10 and some 25 meatballs. I am not really sure though. Sorry for that, as he always the one queue up and pay. Feel abit guilty. Lols, but a big THANK YOU for you ya. Hehe...

Trust me, if you get the chance go to Ikea, or Ikano Power Centre and The Curve. You shall try it. Thought the portion of spaghetti not so big but it was sooo delicious! As for chocolate lover, you sure won't be miss out their chocolate brownies or cake. I have no idea what it calls but they only have one type. Next time I shall try their penne and apple pie.

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