Thursday, January 24, 2013

240113# Outing Part 1

Finally, I can meet my boyfie. I really miss him sooo much! Of course! I went to his place to have lunch first. We had a mixed rice, mixed rice mean you have varieties of vegetables on your plate and go with a plate of white rice. I forgot to take a picture with our mixed rice. In Cantonese we usually called ' zap fan'. There is quite affordable as they also provide soup, chinese tea and plain water which are complimentry and is self service too.

Next, we went to Tokyo Street which located at Pavilion. Everytime we pass by the j.POP ice cream, I say I wanna try but end up I did not get to try. So this time when I saw it and is a MUST for me to try. The taste not bad, I chose the paw inside is Vanilla Ice-cream with Chocolate Chip. I guess if I pick the dark chocolate would be nicer as I am a chocolate lover.

Outside Pavilion, there has 12 chinese horoscope and we are one of them...haha.

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