Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I don't really know what title I should put though.

Few days ago, I argued with my hubby for one week and is everyday. But of course now is all doing fine :-)

Previously, I was so selfish always thinking of myself for most of the times. As I was can because of little issue that he was disagreed with me then I will pissed. Or maybe sometimes, I know what you did you will come back and cheer me up abit. Until the last day we argued so serious. Furthermore I've made you super pissed. During those arguments I thought you always don't care about me or even disagree what I wanna do or buy. When you did everything has the own reason why you don't let me to do or buy. BUTTTT sometimes you also have to do my own thing because is my interest and choice too!!!! Lol

After all these arguments we had especially the last day we argued. I finally realise that I have done so many mistakes that were without my knowledge. But of course you also have some faults too. Lol...

I am very sorry hubby and thank you for not giving up on me. I will try my best to treat you as great as possible.

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