Thursday, January 3, 2013

Farewell 2012 & Welcome 2013

Is been a long time I didn't update my blog. I'm so fucking lazy! Lolss My training in JW Marriott is officially ended quite long time ago. I really enjoyed there, of course at the meantime I also have some unstatisfaction issues for one of the department. Yell you guys one thing, if in future you want to work please don't choose the environment which is full of chinese. Better find an environment with mix races. I'm not racist here just want to share my experience. What I got for my 2013. A Samsung Galaxy Tab 1. For me is good enough because I got it with complimentry from my sunt. Thank you very much my dear Aunt Janice :-) Will gonna update my blog sooner, as lately I am free...yeapieee!

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