Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hsienn Yinn a.k.a my cousin sister ♥


Because she helped to set those private settings of facebook to block all my aunts.I know is pretty mean to do that but my aunt they all always stalk me through facebook.When you post anthing you shall think twice before you post and also your stomach full of butterflies if you post anything wrong out of the blue and let them to scold and spread the news my whole family.

Same goes to my cousin sis as well if not she also won't become a proffesional in settings stuff and I also won't seek for her help.
Thank you sooooo much!♥

Next to her is her lil niece and also my lil cutie nice if I'm not mistaken,because she calls me 'Biu Yi'(in cantonese).Isn't she adorable?♥

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