Thursday, September 15, 2011


This meiji chocolate was bought from him.Because he said chocolate can cure the pain when you're having period.Although the chocolate is bitter not as sweet as I think.But is still warm my heart♥

Famous Amous's chocolate chips cookies without nuts♥
When he bought,I told him not to buy for your money better than buying a pricey cookies for me.Even though,the cookies taste good.But when he was buying and proudly said to me 'Don't be so vain,I'm not buying for you and I was like okay =.= better be.After paid the bill and he passed it to me and told me yes you were right,I am buying this cookies for you =.= This made me happy but still feel not so good.Because this cookies are pricey and 'm still haven't finish this cookies.

As for the ear phone,I've been looking for a ear phone quite long time because my ear phone has spoilt.Really surprised me when he took out from his bag.I was like 'What the ...!!!' Spend money on me again. =.= But till now I'm still using the ear phone and take good care like an

This Hello Kitty.All I can say is adui! lol
Because I remember my boyfie and I were alking around at the Times Square and as yall know i like Hello Kitty but not obsess with it.So when I saw this I just take a glance and took it for a look.After that,we had lunch at a Korean Restaurant and he pretended he was having stomachache and needed went to the toilet.Ish!!! Actually,he was buying this for me.The biscuits taste like the Rocky strwberriess.But I still keep the box :)

This Rocky is realated to the Hello Kitty post that the upper side.Because i told him not to buy this Hello Kitty biscuits is not worth it because taste same like Rocky.After that,he went to buy this Rocky for me =.= pretty speechless.but for Rocky I prefer chocolate than strawberries flavour.But still taste yummy!♥

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