Friday, September 16, 2011

D'FORTUNE Western Cuisine

Is located at Menjalara,Kepong.Opposite is a petrol station but forgot what is the name of the petrol station.

PS:forgot to take pictures.

Today,my dinner with my family is in this restaurant.Excluded my mum because she is outstation.

Before we went out,my dad kept asking my bro and I what we genre of food we prefered.My bro and I were kept quiet because dad always asks us and we have no idea.My thinking was please don't choose chinese food again.Not just feel boring but almost everyday eating the same dishes.

So my bro was planning to have western food for our dinner.My dad was thinking where can find a place that western food is not so pricey but affordable and most importantly taste good! Later on,my dad said this restaurant.We were like okay because I ate this quite long time ago.Can say that already more than 8 years didn't come to this restaurant.

So when we reached there,it was full house.but luckly we did find an empty table for us.They served us with 3 fortune cookies :D So we were just randomly picked one for each person.We got it like :

Dad's fortune cookies has written : You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yoursellf.
Bro's fortune cookies has written : Your mentality is alert , practical and analytical.
As for mine : Humility is basis of good character.

In addition,dad ordered a lamb chop if I'm not mistaken,bro ordered a chicken maryland(fried chicken fillet with frankfurt and fried banana) as for me I ordered chicken cordon bleu(chicken breast inside with cheese) and my dad wouldn't miss out the side dishes whiche were friend wrap sausage roll with cheese and garlic bread.

During we were waiting for our meal to come.we noticed a guest it was rude.Like how? He was like kept on hasting the waitress that why haven't got their meal on table.Obvoiuosly we can see that are a lot of people definitely needed to wait.His family also rude as well because one oof his son(if i'm not mistaken) while he was eating his chicken chop,he was like kept on did the weird something choked in his throat.It was so disgusting.Ewww!Not to say you can't do it at least please low down your volume.C'mon!!!You're in public not in your own house.Furthermore,the dad kept on took the fortune's cookies like nobody business.Eventually,they finished their dinner.While paying bill,the man scolded the waitress if you did the wrong thing again,you should get out.How rude he was and is pathetic when I saw him.He such a douchebag and for me he is a nincompoop person as well.What an idiot he is. TTYN!

The garlic bread was for the sausage roll nice but for me it was salty.The important thing is my main dish,it was salty as well end up I just ate the chicken and inside the cheese I dug out and it was damn oily.Ewww! Can't stand the oil.As for my dad and bro I don't know,hopefully were different from mine.

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