Thursday, September 15, 2011

140911-Part I ♥

Actually I should blog yesterday.Anyways,I also did blog too!

Yesterday,I was outing with my boyfie♥ As for your information,you guys have no idea why out of the blue I will pop out this news! Because I want to keep secret or don't want let so many people know.

Actually,this day my boyfie helped me to take some photoshoots for my simple portfolio.But too bad the weather yesterday was not good.So end up we've decided to watch Nasi Lemak...This movie my boyfie wanted to watch early he just kept waiting for me,wanted me to accompany him to watch together.How sweet was him♥

But before we headed to the cinema,we went to

here to have our the early stage,i thought he was joking.But he was serious.Because for me is quite pricey.But he said we can celebrate our 2nd month of anniversary♥

We ordered this

forgot what was the name of this dish we ordered,but I can say that is new dish for chicken breast and some extra crispy that what I remember most.

While we were waiting for our meal.He captured me some pictures same goes to me :D

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