Monday, September 19, 2011

First day of Semester 2 :D

My timetable showed my lecture class is at 4pm but this morning I went to college 7 something in the morning.Like previuos that I YES! I lied to my dad that I have 8am class :D I'm so honest here.

The reason why i did that because my bf carmen planned to play bowling and the place is located in Times Square before our lecture class starts.So early in the morning I reached to college,later I took a bus to my boyofie house and slept for a while.Because it was too early went to Times Square.It was fun!We had a great time! :D I mean with my boyfie and also with my coursemates pals.

After that,we took monorail to chow kit station and took bus to college.When we arrived the lecture hall.It was happy because like reunited wimy daughters and sons :D

The lecture class finished early,so I planned to go to my boyfie's working place to meet him up and after that accompanied me to KL Central.Actually he doesn't need to do that but he wanted.Because is tired for him.But he still wants.Aww~how sweet is him♥

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