Saturday, March 3, 2012

♥Sweet & Lovely♥ My Blast 19 Birthday Bash!

First thing I did on that day was went to my hubby boy's place like as usual.Again that I was thinking celebrated simple and nice. Is already perfect enough for me. Besides,hubby also mentinoned to me that he won't gonna buy any pressies for me. Just a simple day with him and grab a nice meal with him. This already consider a memorable prsent that I want.

But no no and big NO! lol
This is because he was planning another surprise again! Which was for,which I did not and like a blur dumb dumb.

He gave me 3 surprises in 3 different times. How bad huh?!! lolPreviously,he did ask me do I want a Husky puppy. Of course,I do but my mum would not allow me to keep one. I thought he was mentioning the real dog not the toy's

So he wanted to see my that 'Uh,this present?!!' expession...Which mean the unsatisfied or unhappy expression when he present me the HUSKY RESCUE. Meanwhile, YES! He did it and sucessful with

Later on,I thought no presents anymore but after 5 to 10 minutes. He brought out another prsents out again. Which is a sweater from Uniqlo,is really "What the .... ! " I mean in a nice way because I did not expect that. (The sweater is really comfy and nice to be hold too! :D ) and he also did this second surprise wanted to see my expression like getting more happy and excited. Oh YEA! He did it again! =.= Lol

Next,I really thought is no surprise anymore and is finished. Unfortunately no. As he suddenly took out middle of nowhere with a Roxy paper bag! In my heart said OH GOSH! because he already spent a lot of money on my presents and is kinda painful seeing this. But what he prsent me also contain different meaning to be wore and kept.

Back to topic! The final present is a Roxy's watch. Really nice and is what I wanted to buy a long time ago but not Roxy brand.

Actually,my first thinking when he brought out the Roxy paper bag,I thought is a bikini. lol because I did mentioned to him that Roxy's bikini is really pretty and I would like to have one. LOL!

But, hubby you really did one thing which was succesful and you wanted it for so long. You had sucessful MADE ME CRIED! lol...the reason I did put my tears is because is been really long decade I did not feel have a people that treat me really great! I feel very happy and blissful. Thank you hubby♥

TAADA!!! What my hubby gave me on my Birthday! ♥ u

After that, we went to Shogun at Farenheit. We thought that birthday person is free but we made a mistake. Actually need to be 4 persons include the birthday person only consider free. but we also won't went to there again. The food was not really hot to serve although a lot of varieties.

Later on,we headed back to college again as I had class. Again I did not expect that my darlings and course rep will celebrate for me because on that I was kinda busy with my assignment stuff. I really had a blast!!!

These pictures were after finished the lecture class:
# crazy chicks of my darlings waiting for the chocolate.

Cutting cake into slices for my darlings

My hubby♥♥♥

My darlings♥

Presents from my darlings and course rep ♥

In my 19 years,this is the most happy birthday I ever had. Prsents that I received the most are this year! Love you darlings♥ and special thanks to Carmen Chai for taking all the pictures ♥

♥Love you,Hubby♥

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