Saturday, March 3, 2012

♥My 1st Memorable Valentine♥

I should post it early ago. Now is already been a month due to my laziness of blogging. Lol

I still remembar on that day,I was like as usual accompany him to work. Besides,I did not expect any Valentine's gift. This is because I prefer to celebrate it simple and nice. Just like he told me which is my hubby,if both together which are happy. Everyday can be a Valentine's day! Is really true though.

Until the Masjid Jamek LRT station,he like as usual went out to buy breakfast for both of us and I'm like as usual waiting him inside. He did bring along a big paper bag when came out from his house. but I did not know is a thing that he wanted to give me all I thought was his stuff.

When he finished bought the breakfast and walked back him. He looked at me and asked have I seen inside the paper bag's stuff. I replied no as I'm a respectful person,I don't simply look others stuff without permission :P

Back to topic! Later that he took the 'thing' from his paper bag and


HONESTLY speaking, it was really surprised me! It was a touching momment but too bad I did not do a thing that he always want. Which is put out tears. C'mon happy things happen won't gonna cry right??! really pleased ♥ I also did give him a couple T but unfortunately I did not take a pic of the couple T :(

The second day of the flower became like this:


Seriously,I'm really happy. Thank you hubby ♥

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