Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day Out with my Hubby to S.P.

We took LRT to the last station of Kelana Jaya and took a bus to Sunway Pyramid. Actually I was planning to take a cab instead of bus. This is because most of us know that bus will pick up and stop every stop so will delay the timing to reach there. As for cab is much more faster than the bus. I thought the bus will choose the long way to reach there instead of shortcuts.

That day I needed to raise a white flag up as I lost and spoke the wrong thing. The bus from Kelana Jaya most probably the same and also did use shortcuts :/ My hubby won and I lost...Lol

I miss the ice-skaiting session during last time. I really wanted to enter the ice rink. Due to the price is expensive so hubby said no. but he looked at my face expression ttold him I really want,actually I really do. Thank you hubby even though you were not really happy but yet still accompanied me and played together♥

Is fuuny in this pic,because you wanted to act cool but too bad. You lost your balance and called for my help. Haha~

Later that,you brought me to a chinese restaurant to grab our lunch.

The meal quite good as well. Taiwanese food is served to the guests.

I love this pic♥ as hubby look like dork ~ hahaha!!!

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