Tuesday, January 17, 2012

too GOOD or too BAD to be T.R.U.E ?!

I'm about to tell about my dorm things to my parents.

Like my friend told me straight forward and do it or tell it! Dare to do it!

I know my dad is going to be dissapointed me when I'm doing this,moreover CNY is around the corner. But not to say I want to choose this timing to tell as is needed to be told. Sorry to make you guys upset.

As for result I'm really afraid that will come out that not I really want it the most. sometimes I feel I'm very stupid and I don't know why. No matter what war or what thing, I'm always will be alone to face it. So this time is going be the same. I'll be alone facing this war.

I know U are going to be upset and hate me if I cannot. I'm sorry to let you down and wasted your savings to help me. I'm really sorry and I don't blame you. This is because is all my fault not yours. No matter how I will return you back the money don't ask me how I get it. I'm always wish I can stay with you I really do.

Thank you to my son that supported me and mede me laughed! :')

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