Sunday, January 15, 2012

15.1.2012 ♥

This day was hung out with my boyfie. No wonder the day before you kept telling no matter what need to come to drop by your place before we headed to shopping Is really sweet and touching though. Really do ♥ This is because you don't cook at all but you still cooked to me and made your fingers got hurt and bubbles. I'm really sorry. The food is really nice!

Bento brunch made from my hubby ♥ although not look like hello kitty but still look cute as your favourite pikachu :D

Another salad that made by U ♥


Later on,i brought you to your frighten place ever. Hahaha! But you wanted me to take a picture of you.

Which is this. LOL!

Later on,you bought me this

Sticky and my milk ♥

After that,we headed to Teppanyaki had our early dinner. Before that, you said you wanted to eat the sushi but a lot of people. Out of the blue, your face has changed and said you were angry. I though what I've said wrong. =.=

I'm reallly happy but at the meantime also felt kinda sad as I know I don't when i can see you again.

ILYF Hubby ♥

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