Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Je Suis Desole

Not a good news!
As I can't stay in the hostel but I already gave out my 101% effort and my real words to them espeecially to him and yet still fail.

I really don't understand what i always want I won't get it but what I don't want so much and will get it so easily.Is really pathetic.

I'm really sorry to one person. I know you really want me to stay in hostel in order to can stay with you. I really want to stay as if I stay I'll be very happy and not tired. Even though I have not meet you, I also will do the same thing too.

I'm sorry to make you cried when you scolded me badly. You told me that you said this because of letting me to express out my feelings. More or less yes I will but I know those words that came out your mouth are from your bottom of your heart and are real words.

You said you cannot be alone and I can. Actually you are wrong,because have not meet you. Yes I am alone but when I have a boyfried. I do really want a boyfriend beside with me. You just can't see as I hide it well.

Even though,you said or scoled me with those cruel words. Honestly, I'm really scare and very sad. But I can't blame you as this not your problem. Is my fault. So I just need to took it and swallowed then keep into my heart. I will cry during when I about to sleep.

Even though,you tell me last time you told me I'm good is enough.i really want to be the good that you want but I know myself I know I'm not your perfect girl or ideal girl you want. i remember that you told me about I maybe cannot find a better one but you can find another which is better than me a lot though. You also said to call me to give you back the ring or throw into garbage bin Honestly, I am really hurtful and sad when I hear this. More than sad and hurt. I will not forget it. but I won't blame you because is my fault.

I'm sorry and also know that sorry can't do anything. But is the only thing I can really say to you.

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