Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Congrats to ME!

LOLs! First,I wanna mention here one thing though is kinda late lah. I got my previous semester exam's result. Though is not a great thing to show off here. But the main thing I wanna say is I finally have passed all. Yay! I was seventh heaven at that moment when I know I have passed ALL. As for yall information, during my college results I never pass all. This time I have passed all. I was sooo relieve! Actually I totally forgot to check my result but luckily I still have my boyfie that reminded me and helped me! Thanks ahhh! :P He was bad,made fun of me said I have fail one of the subject and made me miserable. Anyway,my hubby wanted to treat me some good food to congrat me ;D So we decided to go to:
As usual I like to do ugly post. Lol
My hubby again! He is vain and like to capture a lot of pictures. Lols!
I ordered chicken with prawns(prawns not so nice). Actually is chicken with pork chop,but I'm not really fan of pork though. But I still like to eat Bak Kut Teh,weird huh??!
Hubby ordered his favourite dish come with eggs.
This toufu I really like it comes with our sets meal. We were lucky, we met 2 fashionistas! For yall if are the FacebookerS. Yall might know a guy that is really fashinable and he wears the awkward and yet look gorgeous high heels by Alexander Mcqueen.
How lucky we were! :D At last:
Thank you hubby and I love you. I'm look fat in this picture

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 1 # Housekeeping Department

Today is my first day of internship, jam like hell in KL. Lucky I'm still on time.

This is my uniform.
Actually I secretly took this photo ;P

Today finished up the work quite late. Due to the last 2 rooms were so messy and dirty. Goodness!!!
During working time, on and off I will miss my hubby. I miss those times we texted to each other :(

This picture just cheer me up! ;)


Then, bed time!
Good Night & Peace Out ^_<

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kardashians Kollection is coming to town!!!

As yall that who follow their reality show on E entertainment channel. You guys know what I'm taliking about. I'm a huge fan of their reality show and also their collection. they first clothing line is the DASH if I'm not mistaken.

I do follow up their reality show. Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kourtney & Khloe taking the Miami, Kim & Kourtney taking New York and Khloe and Lamar. Their reality shows are really awesome and so real. Soon Kendall and Kylie might have their own reality tv show. I'm looking forward.

Do you notice all of the sisters names starting with the "K". Hmmm...I wonder why. Anyway they are fabulous and their super mum too. Raise their children become well-known celebrities.

Shoes are one of their Kollection as well. I really love it!!! In America is affordable to buy their stuff but for here might be pricey.

The Armenians Sisters are great! FABulous! ROCK ON sistas!

Mask Time.

Usually when I'm putting mask I'm just like normal putting on it, nothing special. But this time this mask is special. Even though when I bought it mention is moisturising, but it helps to like firming. As can upper neck and both side cheeks.

The flavours is honey. you really can smell the honey liquid.

This is the first special thing that I found out. It helps to firm up my neck.

the second thing that special and I like it is this function. The mask needs to wear on the ears. Not just one time and is twice.

Overall the process will take you 10 to 15 minutes according the directions. But usually I wait until the liquid almost like getting dry. Then I only take off.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lunch & Dinner by me

As yall know now is still holiday for the government schools and I'm having my semester break. So today my bro and I stuck in the house.
I prepare and cook for both of us.

Deep-fried Slices Luncheon Meat

Japanese Mushrooms with Carrots

Cube Size of Lucheon Meat with Eggs and Onions

Porridge with Chitaki Mushrooms and Carrots

Of course, additional dish for the porridge comes will taste nicer;
Pickled Lettuce

Overall for me quite healthy and simple to be prepared. As those dishes contain protein and suitable amount of carbs. Oil not so much which mean not so oily. Lols

As for our dinner;
Fried Angel Hair Spaghetti with Chinese Black Mushrooms and Slices of Hotdogs

^_< wink! ~

Without U or With U

You are a mango lover. Without you I can never imagine that will become how. Seriuously,if you ask me I really don't know how to answer you. But I know will be a nightmare for me that begins.

Why don't I talk about with you I am how. This will be much more easier for me and are facts that I will mention it. :)

You are a big fan will blog about Usually, I will keep it to myself and I know it. You let me express out my real side of me towards you. This is because when I'm the house or outside I hardly can be myself and I need to be someone else to satisfy my family.

I'm really can feel the blissful when with you. You always say me I'm rich and my family is rich. Like you say my family not me. Money cannot be everything of course, money can solve lots of problems. But the worst thing is money can be the root of evil. So I don't mind, perhaps now is not the good time for us to earn more and become rich. I believe that we can earn more in future. As both of us so ambitious, definetely we are gonna be successful.

Hello Kitty? Actually you are Pikachu lover. But you bought me lot of Kitty stuff and surprised me. Quite shock though but I enjoy it!♥

With you I can tell and write a lt non-stop. You told me before we don't have like special memory and let you to really remember it. But for me I have and I have tons even a small little things.
Me Gustas♥

Slim down to become more skinny! Isn't a bad thing.

Is really true and not a bad thing for me. Of course, over slim it and become aneroxia. Is not a good sign. This is Miley Cyrus before and after.

Recently, I knew lot of media wrote bad about her as too skinny and not pretty. How she feels I really understand. We girls want to become skinny becasue we want to fit in every small clothes easily. No doubt, we girls also wish that have a body that can wear bikini.

Media said about her too skinny not pretty,compare with last time. She was better previously. Come on, if you slim down and can fit in size 4 or 2. How can you want to gain more weight? Is not possible especially for us that from fat to skinny.

Monday, August 20, 2012

A day that I'm with U

After I finished one of my exam's paper. We headed to TWG @ Pavilion to have our brunch.

this the history book about the TWG tea that how they found it and etc. As for your information,I did not really read it. I just flipped through it and saw the pictures...lols

I oreder a teapot with Matcha Green Tea if i'm not mistaken. I love the teapot,yes is gold colour but the most interesting is the gold colour feature is really clear it reflects my face when I looked into it. The staff there must be cleaned and polist till so well. Almost like crystal clear can look through...lols

I ordered for both of us a plate of egg benedicts with ham. He was quite thrill as eggs are his favourite. without egg his life is meaningless. Haha,he has a good sense of humour huh?!! But I love it!♥

Later on,we headed to the Snowflake Dessert restaurant. Both of us wanted to try their new dessert.

Green Tea with Red Beans.

Green Tea is my favourite and Red Beans is his favourites. But the whole thing we weren't really like it. The ice was weird. I rather choose their best sellings dessert like I used to order. Trust me it is taste much better than this.

See what my hubby boy is holding ;D
Is a voucher that free a bowl of dessert,only can be used in Pavilion.

How do I get it?
a woman wanted us to do a survey for the Snowflake. something like any improvement or anything that they can be changed or upgraded. At the end we got this voucher.


I want back my skin!

My face like dehydrated,dry lips,swollen eyes with heavy dark circles and eye bags. Damn it!
This is due to this one week was having exam,lack of sleep or sleeping hours were less. Stressful and dealing some unwanted issues.

I need to drink plenty of water,sleep early and sleep more.
Wish me luck of doing this,as I might not do it due to my laziness :/

1 Year Anniversary Gift for HIM & for ME♥

Our 1 year anniversay was on last month. I'm late to update this news on my blog.
These two anniversary gifts that I prepared for him

I made this book for him,inside are full of words that I've written our pictures that we've been captured throught this whole 1 year.
The second gift that I prepared for him was edible gift...lols
His favourite anime cartoon is Pikachu. erm...feature not that bad for one the Pikachu. quite similar.

Actually, I thought I'm the great and also could give him the surprise. In fact, I'm wrong. He knew that I was preparing a book for him =.= Furthermore, he was better and greater than me. He really gave me a huge surprise and he really made me cried out immediately. Of course, my tears full of touched and happiness.

The first gift that he gave quite nice but not really surprise me though and I though was the only anniversary gift. Lol...anyway I like it too is my favourite Hello Kitty♥ I guess this magazine he ordered it early as the magaizne's date is not valid in here yet.

The second gift as I've mentioned previously that made me cried out immediately is this : Taadaa~

I guess my feeling that doesn't need to be described more. Thank you hubby,I love you♥

Monday, July 9, 2012

True Blood S5

True Blood new season has arrived in the town!

For those who know me, you guys sure know I’m a die hard vampire fan. Doesn’t matter is Twilight or True Blood and etc. But I’m more interested those vampire story which involve with love story. For me just like impossible relationship become possible relationship. Most important is you can watch like the dark side of fairy tale story has dream come true.

I really like Sookie Stackhouse in this tv show. She’s adorable in this show and kinda kind hearted person, sometimes she is naïve from what I see.

But I don’t really like Bill Compton. Not because he is not good in this tv show. He is good and loyal to Sookie. The reason I don’t really like is because he is old. I’m honest enough to say out huh?!! Lols

Another guy Eric Norman, yeah! I like him because he is freaking hot this tv show. Important thing is he is young lah!!! Younger than Bill. Lols

This upcoming season has changed to amazing stage you can never imagine. Sookie’s best friend turn into vampire, Bill’s follower’s is becoming sexier! and etc…

I just watched the new season last Saturday. Quite nice!