Sunday, December 18, 2011


Sometimes really have that types of nasty minds which are how and when to end up my life or waiting someone to murder me instead of I commit suicide on my own.

Not a happy life I had in my passed 18 years.

Most of yall see I'm a cheerful girl actually deep inside I'm not that what yall think.

My feature has lied to you. What a good actress I am? LOL!

Dreams cannot be achived.

Things cannot be get even though is easy.

Parents?!? Forget about it~

Freedom? What I want most might hard to get it. Even though I'm nearly 19 years old.

Peaceful life? I want BUT... ...

Seems like every unhappy things also check in my list.
What can I say? This is part of my life,is pretty hard to get rid off it T___T

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