Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gloomy Days

Passed few days I'm really indeed sad,pain and full of stress. I don't know when I'll be okay with it or should I say that i don't know when can get a day which is happy and relax moment at least a peaceful day. Please! I do really need that. Although,this not the good timing to say this as my dad is sick but this few days have made me think a lot and further. I do really need freedom I don't want to be in the cage. Isn't it the timing to let me go? Furthermore, when you let go i didn't say I will not come back . Yes! I do have a mindset that I don't want to come back but no matter how I dislike I also need to come back because I got to do my part either. I'm really stressful! I do really need a break.

My look is pretty awful due to these few days lack of sleep and cry unstoppable. Especially my eyes so swollen as you can see. I'm really dislike for my current life now! I need to escape! Anyone willing to rescue me out or reach out to help me? I will be very thankful for that person,but is really hard. Harder than I expect,too much of expectation will make me more upset even cry a lot. although cry is useless but for is the only method to release myself stressful and pain I'm facing.

In somehow,I do really miss the moment that you made me laugh . I hope that you can right beside me but is sort of impossible to be happened. This is because of my fault.Can't blame you but only can blame myself.

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