Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

First of all, Merry X'mas Eve to all of you.

How you guys celebrate? By eating? Hang out with friends or family? Or maybe counting down with your love's one? That would be really sweet if can happen on me.

actually almost every year my Chritmas Eve and Christmas Day either is staying in the house like normal days do or maybe with my aunts as they do celebrate. But this year I dn't think I'm going to join them. This is because my calculative dad saying that so many members and we should buy those presents. Once in a blue moon,is okay for me. as long as is happy and also with family memebers.

Anyway,this do not relate to what I want to mention in this blog. I just had dinner with both of my parents. My bro is not here because he is joining with my cousin that has arrived to KL from Australia.

During the dinner, my mum was asking me about the Monday thing which is public holiday. I said I want to do my revision in the college library instead of in the house. For me, in the house I can't get a quiet environment that I want. Unless I wait until 2 or 3 am in the house. That's what I want. My mum said no and I said who is going to teach my accounting since I don't have the basic. My dad interrupted and I want is not the same generation as he did last time. Furthermore,insulting my friend is not good in it. Excuse me mr,she got an A in her accounting during her spm.

My dad said would not allow me to join any event unless is compulsory. That moment i really felt that my life was meaningless and I don't have a normal teenager's life. so as usual, i can't bare my tears so I just burst out in public. Not that I did it in purpose Was really cannot bare it. My mum asking what did I cry and my dad said don't give him the shed of tears and I'm very fake. always use tears to get something. It was really hurtful, that minute I really wanted to throw those bowls and chopsticks while I was eating as I really fed up and want to tell them living on their hands I'm really stressful and cannot do what I want even though just a simple thing.

After finished,we went into his car and my mum asked for my timetable and mentioned generally that I said before that you guys wouldn't let me took account during high school. My dad said is my fault because that time I did not tell them that I want. I was really fucking pissed off,I did say that I want and also useful in my college in future and yet you were blaming me? Is you are the one strongly did not let me to take extra this subject during that time and yet blaming. I really shook my head and as usual I cried at the back seat but they did not know. If not they would say I'm good in acting. So cried all the journey to home and continue in my room.

Soon,the war will begin! What a pathetic X'mas eve!

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