Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Again~I should post this on last night but I did not.Because my parents were in the house + I'm exhausted as well.

Yesterday,I went for my History tuition as usual.Our teacher tought until half way than say about blog.We did not know why and what was the reason as well.So teacher said we must revere and also listened it blindly for sometimes.

He said that in our class got someone's blog wrote about his bad stuff.For an example he's a lousy history teacher and so on.For sure that person was not me.Because my blog just let some of my close friends know only and I did not add up anyone.Because my blog for me can consider very personal stuff for me.

Our teacher's name is Siiva,so we call him Cikgu Siiva or Sir.Most of the time we also call him Sir.Because the sound is better than Cikgu Siiva.LOL~

But for me this teacher is very good.For now is my favourite and best teacher for teaching History.Usually History subject for everyone also damn boring including me,but since I've known this teacher so History for me is quite okay now.LOL~

Sir,I've just wrote about you.But ain't no worries because is good stuff.I wrote from my bottom heart do not have any lie in there and here as well.I guess.


R.I.P Faris

I should post this on yesterday when I've heard this pathetic news.

One of my malay friend has just passed away on Sunday 18 April 2010.Although he's not a very close friend of mine and we study in different classes.

But he still a funny boy for us in my school.He's cute,fair and had big pretty eyes.Principal decided to donate some money to his family.So yesterday I have donated RM1 for his family including my classmates and his friends as well.

Yesterday,was a sombre day for his close friends and clasmates.

We Love You & We Miss You as well.

R.I.P my friend.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Get The Hell Off BITCH...

Fuck Off to the person of Xiiao Ling!!!

You do not want to be friend of Michelle Wong just say it out.No need to say her because she's rough not gentle enough,speaking very loud and so on.

The main reason you do not want to be friend with her because you lost your battle with her.

Let me tell you that,she does not mind you're fat and your ugly face.But end up you treated her that way.

(When you want to be friends to anyone you have to accept his or her goods and bads),(This only called ReaL FrienD).

NOW I'm telling you that you're fat and ugly.You BITCH!!!Don't try to insult her which you're not the same level as her.

Please do change your Facebook's name.Which my last name also Ling.Do you think you very small? Let me tell you that you're not and you are worse than a giant.Giant might be better than you anytime.

So don't be afraid my little friend Michelle Wong ya~as a senior and friend I will protect you.

행운을 빌어요

내 모든 친구와 올해 SPM에는 발생 친구들에게 행운을 빌어요!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

당신과 함께 왜 그랬 떨어지는 사랑을 ~ 가사

왜 내가 당신과 사랑에 갔을까?
시간이 얼마나 흐르던
난 항상 여기있을 줄 알았는데
하지만 당신은 다른 경로를 선택
내가 왜 당신에게 전달하지 못했습니다
매일 매일 밤 재배 생각
단어 흐름 시작
하지만 그들이 당신을 액세스할 수 없게됩니다
오늘 당신을 만난 이후로
내가 당신을 아는 것 같은 느낌
우리가 함께 너무 자연스럽게 녹아
어디에 있든 우리가 함께 갈거야
당신은 자연스러운 일이 필요
우리 둘은 함께 어른이되었다
하지만 당신은 다른 경로를 선택
왜 내가 당신과 사랑에 갔을까?
시간이 얼마나 흐르던
난 항상 여기있을 줄 알았는데
하지만 당신은 돌아오지 않습니다
오늘은 항상 특별한 의미를해야합니다
오늘의 행복은 우리의 얼굴에 서
당신은 아름다운 그림과 하나님을 무시
나는 당신 옆에 축복 이진 않아
내가 말할 수 있으 라구요 작별?
왜 내가 당신과 사랑에 갔을까?
우리가 다시 어떻게 (그것을 고려했다)에 갈 수 없어
돌아갈 수 없다 (그것을 고려)
왜 내가 당신의 손을 잡고 안 했어?
시간이 얼마나 흐르던
당신은 내 곁에서 영원히 (해야하지만 사실 오지는 않았 겠지)
하지만 당신은 여전히 내 측면에서 취해지고
그리고 난 아직도 당신의 영원한 행복을 기원
아무리 (아무리 외롭고 고통스러운)

♥ ♥ ♥

Awesome & Amazing♥ ♥ ♥

America's Best Dance Crew Season 5 Poreotics/Poreotix Compilation Full HD (Championship Run)

This video I really admire theirs' every single dance move.Thumbs Up for them!!!♥ ♥ ♥

Wish All The Best to them.Nice one.Soon I guess I can be like that.:-P
Wish me good luck=)♥ ♥ ♥

I'm Lazy :-S

Lazy is not an excuse.
Lazy is not an escape way.
Lazy can be destroyed you.
Lazy can be your worst friend ever.
So better Beware of it!!!!!

I know how type it out and think these words.But almost all opposite that I typed are happeningon me right now.OH MY GOD!!!!!

Nowadays,I'm lazy to do my revision,lazy to do exercise,lazy to blogging,lazy to do anything and what so ever izzit.Gosh!!!~Who has any method to cure this sickness.

SPM is just around the corner.

I have to be really F.U.C.K this time.





Poor Thing :-(

My friend,Vincent.Ran out of his house last night,actually was his dad chased him out not he ran out.

The reason he has chased by his dad because of the Poker Cards.Yesterday,in class there was no teacher for our science period.So a lot of "Poker Kaki" gambling here and there.But my friend,Vincent did not gamble just play for fun and curing his bored as well.He and his friends(Ah Fan,Teh,Low,Zun Quan) also did played.But they're not gamble.The game thay played was Big Two means 'Cho Dai Di'.

Suddenly,a teacher came in by a thunderstorm and teacher was Miss Ong.Gosh!!!They all have caught by her playing cards.Miss Ong said they gamble actually they did not.But those cards can consider as gamble's cards.Miss Ong said to them,theird' parent had to write a letter for her about knowing they own son gamble in the school.So all kena accept for those other Real Gambling Kaki.What a pathetic incident.

Me,Joy and Peck Loo also can consider quite lucky because that time I'm eating noodles.Joy and Peck Loo listening to music.

Phewzzz~~~~~Thanks to our 'God'!!!

Later,Vincent text message to his dad about writing the letter.Later on,when his dad got back,his dad humbled him a lot.Vincent did not answer back him.Not to mean he doesn't has manners,he just doesn't wants to go against to his dad.After that,his dad simply hit him and quite hard as well.So his dad very angry and chased him out of the house.Furthermore,he also end up very fed up so he took some things and left the house.

Cheer up,my little cute buddy!!!
We are here for you,no need to be upset.

Tomorrow will be more better.

Yay! Finally~~

Finally,you are coming back to home I mean your own house.So that means you pretty soon will be back to school see us again.:-D

What I meant just now was one of my friend had an operation on Monday if I'm not mistaken.See her always eat 2 hot dogs and a little bit of crackers for her breakfast and lunch.That just because she wanted to slim down.

I heard from my other friend said she after eating for a while then stomach starting to pain.Then pain until like screaming for help.The sickness is called by cantonese is 'Ghar Ghar Cheong'.So pity her but these things are in the pass.So just forget about it.Thibk positive be positive ya~My friend Xiiao Yee,Tiffany.

We (included Ah Fan,Nick,Teh,Low(Dad),Zun Quan,Peck Loo,Joy and me as well) miss you so much and Congratulation that you can go back to your house no need overnight at the hospital.

Our these Gaga and Lunatic classmates and friends waiting for you to come back ya^_^

Miss You*

Thursday, April 15, 2010

당신을 사랑합니다

난 항상 당신을 사랑합니다
아무 상관 비가오나 눈이오나
당신은 영원히 사랑한다

즐거운 ~ 하하에 대한 정보 입력