Saturday, July 7, 2012

Girls' thoughts!

Prove me wrong!

If boys will not look at a hot chick or even a simple pretty lady. Even though for those guys who already has a girlfriend or wife.

Advantage of seeing girls but the disadvantageS are more! Lols

I think for most of us we know what is the advantage right? Which is can prove that our boyfriend or husband are not gay and is normal. Lols . Somehow I only know this advantage other than that not really I can think it.

The disadvantageS are more to go!

• When your boy walking on the street with you suddenly a hot chick pass by. They sure will look at it. What I mean is Look NOT Glance at it. Both of these meaning are really different from each other.

• Worse thing is some of the boys will say out. Wow! This girl is so nice and what so ever thingy ~!@#$%. Yes, I know they do not have the intention to say out. But for a girlfriend or wife they will not like to listen.

• We girls have to be like poker face. This is because to show how “generous” we are. If not you boys will complaint. Even a nice and friendly girl also does not like to hear it.

• Complaint us why our shape of body not like other girls? When we girls hear this of course we wanna change to those shape that you boys requested for. But when we girls wanna do that. You boys stop us and tell us Natural is the best! Is really sweet! Few days later, you boys bring up again. You boys really confused us sometimes.

You guys just say girls also the same! Yes, no doubt we also see good looking guys. But we just glance and keep quiet. As we know our boyfriend or husband when listen will feel unhappy. So when sometimes you boys sometimes give compliment to other girls, you boys cannot blame us that giving a feedback toward that we compliment to other boys.

Lol….no heart feeling ya! Just express out our girls feelings.

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