Saturday, February 4, 2012

God,please guide me.

Is really sad when a person that say he or she will break up even though is a joke. When comes to this when his or her partner listen is really sad. As comes to this the partner is fragile like a glass. Furthermore, another of your him or her will say our conversation is getting less. But do you know that when you bring up the funny joke about break up , who is going to have mood to continue a happy or smooth conversation. Especially for girls.

But some things cannot be blamed because no matter how is only can is myself fault. My own luck is like that (maybe). Because one of it can’t do or fulfill the other person needs. Not to say don’t want is cannot. You really want but you don’t know that I really want , and the want is more than you. But I guess will be the same answer I get back. Oh , better be or girls always lies . Girls are like that but not all. If love a person you will blissful to accept it if you don’t , I guess you know what the answer.

End up the battle I will face on my own. End up when comes to hard time I will face alone. Even though , a person cannot be here to comfort but use the words to comfort is good enough because base on this I'm already happy. At least , have someone that care about me and understand me. But I guess I will be back like last time , face it alone. Really hurt and sad but what can I do. Please guide me,my God.

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