Friday, June 17, 2011

Pavilion + Snowflake! ♥

Today,erm...should be yesterday! Haha...yesterday could say that I'm sort of pissed off because my friends and I rushed for our marketing tutorial replacment tutorial class and we were late.When we have reached,we like phewz! Because lecture haven't entered the class yet.BUT at the same time the lecure just texted me "TODAY,THE CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED".It was really fuck up!Because why don't inform me earlier and let my friends and I hasted to attend her class.

But,eventually we were happy.We had a great time!Because when the class has been cancelled,some of us decided to go to Pavilion to buy our stuff for our course.Later,we went to the Sg Wang to have our Snowflake! :D It was my very first time to taste it! Really yummy though but the portion quite big.We liked struggling to finish it.But at last only I'm the one who couldn't finish it.But the main ingredients I've finished just left the ice.The price is quite affordable.Another way to say is if the price is higher the ingredients you'll get more ingredients.

These were the Snowflake that we ordered for ourselves! :D

My H1 daughters Jocelyn and Sin Chee! :D

Me,H2's Shi Jie and my H1 sis Carmen! :D

Shi Jie and me! :D

When we were waiting the traffic + opposite the camera girl(Carmen) LOL!


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