Monday, June 13, 2011

Good Helper but BUSY + CONFUSE!!!

Since i've became the secretary for my course.So no matter what I also need to have some responsibilities.Oh Man! LOL

Today during my 1st lecture class(finished,the lecturer wanted to show us some video clip) so I'm a good girl,did not skip her lecture class! :P

Okay,back to topic.During the lecture class,Georgie brought me along to prepare or can say brief my job that I need to do.btw,Geogie is our course rep.For me he's responsible course rep.Later,he told me about the supplier thiingy that I need to inform and how should I be done.

At that momment can consider that I'm sort of blur.I was like huh? really? what? god,he didn't god mad about this.

Until my 2nd lecture class,I was dealing...erm...not just me including Georgie and Aaron were dealing the notes and supplier.I was like super duper confuse.Aiyo!!!Can say me I'm a failer! Eventually,the things have been done!

after we've done that,we prepared the notes for each group.Georgie and me are in a haste.Because both of us have class after the lecture class.At the meantime,he said I'm a good helper.Then I replied him okay only...But actually I'm happy because no one ever say me is a good helper including my

I'm such a modest person
hahaha!!! :P

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