Friday, June 17, 2011

Pavilion + Snowflake! ♥

Today,erm...should be yesterday! Haha...yesterday could say that I'm sort of pissed off because my friends and I rushed for our marketing tutorial replacment tutorial class and we were late.When we have reached,we like phewz! Because lecture haven't entered the class yet.BUT at the same time the lecure just texted me "TODAY,THE CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED".It was really fuck up!Because why don't inform me earlier and let my friends and I hasted to attend her class.

But,eventually we were happy.We had a great time!Because when the class has been cancelled,some of us decided to go to Pavilion to buy our stuff for our course.Later,we went to the Sg Wang to have our Snowflake! :D It was my very first time to taste it! Really yummy though but the portion quite big.We liked struggling to finish it.But at last only I'm the one who couldn't finish it.But the main ingredients I've finished just left the ice.The price is quite affordable.Another way to say is if the price is higher the ingredients you'll get more ingredients.

These were the Snowflake that we ordered for ourselves! :D

My H1 daughters Jocelyn and Sin Chee! :D

Me,H2's Shi Jie and my H1 sis Carmen! :D

Shi Jie and me! :D

When we were waiting the traffic + opposite the camera girl(Carmen) LOL!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't make up too much!

Or else will become like this.

Furthermore,need to make up everytime...
Like me don't make up most of my pictures did not make up except for special occasion.I'm not being a hypocrite here but is really true.

Tami Green ♥

She's my foreign sis! :D No doubt that she's a model.She's young and adorable.Furthermore,she has a smoky hot body that a lot of girls dying for(including me) =.=

She's nice and friendly person.She willing to teach me and tell me the things I should do and those things that I don't understand.

She's a model that are very good.Because she could be the next victoria's secret top model and she can wears a lot of well-known designers' clothing.Such as Vera Wang,Marc Jacobs,Jimmy Choo,Versace,Guess and so on...Awwwww!!!!

wish her all the best in her modelling career and please remember to eat because she told me that she forget to eat for most of the times.♥

Not as easy as I thought!

I need to take 1 day of holiday which is 21st of June for my personal thing.

From our course rep's mouth that I know I need to photocopy some of the papers this and that.I'm confused again =.=

Then I need to replace my class,because like this I won't miss out any information during my actual class.Furthermore,I don't need to do my last minute brush up thingy which I always do.So do not learn from me becuase is a real bad habit though and I also need to cut out this habit too!

Good Helper but BUSY + CONFUSE!!!

Since i've became the secretary for my course.So no matter what I also need to have some responsibilities.Oh Man! LOL

Today during my 1st lecture class(finished,the lecturer wanted to show us some video clip) so I'm a good girl,did not skip her lecture class! :P

Okay,back to topic.During the lecture class,Georgie brought me along to prepare or can say brief my job that I need to do.btw,Geogie is our course rep.For me he's responsible course rep.Later,he told me about the supplier thiingy that I need to inform and how should I be done.

At that momment can consider that I'm sort of blur.I was like huh? really? what? god,he didn't god mad about this.

Until my 2nd lecture class,I was dealing...erm...not just me including Georgie and Aaron were dealing the notes and supplier.I was like super duper confuse.Aiyo!!!Can say me I'm a failer! Eventually,the things have been done!

after we've done that,we prepared the notes for each group.Georgie and me are in a haste.Because both of us have class after the lecture class.At the meantime,he said I'm a good helper.Then I replied him okay only...But actually I'm happy because no one ever say me is a good helper including my

I'm such a modest person
hahaha!!! :P

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh My!

I just finish prepared the eco notes for my coursemates,is ain't that easy man!

Because one of the ex-secretary didn't do his job then the position changed to me.My goodness,why on earth the course rep chose me.C'mon in this course more than 100 people,why me???? Lol

Hope that I won't him and others down.I try my best not to repeat the ex-secretary mistakes.But yall need to remember that "Everyone is not perfect!" LMAO

Speechless! =.=

Last Friday,I've became secretary in out of the blue! Goodness!
That's mean I have a heavy responsible with it! THANKS TO YOU GEORGIE!!!

Now I'm still blur or can say that my brain is totally blank,don't know what's the next step i should do.God please lead me :(

College Life!

College life is hectic,suffering,lot of work BUT overall is really fun.
WHY?! Because college you have lot of activity to participate and for me I'm having a great time! Because I have mix new friends from my coursemates and also from other coursemates too!

Thank god that I'm in the perfect group because my group is full of energectic energy.In other way to say is we're open-minded and hyperactive for most of the times...LMAO!

In addition,I heard some of them said their group not as GaGa as we do! Lol...although is sort of abash but we're still happy with it.Because can prove that we're having a great time with each other...LOL!

This My Gruoup H1 :D

I'm the class rep for my group.thanks to them =.=

But overall,we have agreat time!
Furthermore,I'm the mother of the

My aiya husband(so call "husband") not real is Calvien and he's not my type lol...

My daughters and sons for H1:
-Pei Pei
-Mei Leh
-Huei Nee
-Sai Choon
-Shuang Chee

Carmen and Katherine are my sisters because both of them older than me :)