Thursday, January 13, 2011

Self-Help Book for me!

Kinda surprise right?Because I'm the person who doesn't like to touch or read books except for magazines and comics!lol

I need this book because me myself lacking of confidence and don't have much guts towards public speaking.Actually this method was my cousin sis taught me.She also reads this type of book to improve herself.So I take her advice and try it for once.I've bought this bok from MPH and the price is RM31.90.In addition,I've check from the internet this book cost only USD$7.99.WOW~bloody cheap!But is in US NOT MALAYSIA.

For your information,I haven't touch this book yet.lolNot because I'm lazy but I still have a good reason.The reason is i'm still studying undang drving test! urgh!!!Hate it!!!

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