Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pressie time!

This year my presents from ma boy might not be so fantastic like last year, but is all worth it! As is very useful and most important is what I wanted to have a long time.

One of them is the necklace. If you guys do notice my facebook pictures, my necklace is already rusty. Sometimes will my whole neck itchy and grow those like pimples. Or maybe on my chest have the mark of the necklace and was in bruise. Eventually, my boy get a new one for me. Is been a long time I was nagging him.

The second present is what I really really really want. Whitening product but this is edible product and is not cheap! I am really apprecite it, thank you baby. XOXO hubby! :-)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cost Control

Seriously, I dislike for this subject as is related to math. Ewww! Bit after I understand all of it, actually is not too bad though. Main point is I need to understand. So Thursday I don't have any class I deceided to ask my friend's help. Which is Sai Choon, he is very helpful and intelligent. From the stage no idea become I understand it. Really thankful to him. May the God pleaseee bless him! :-)

Halfway we did at my college another halfway at Jusco Setapak food cpurt. This is because suddenly I felt that I wanted to eat the twister fries!!! As after Cny I guess twister fries won't be at here. Only wait till next year.

Birthday 21022013

This year I am officially 20 years old. So old ><
Last year I really had a blast birthday. As for this year also the same :-) even though might not so fantastic but is really worth it and I am very appreciate it. This is because during my birthday I still can be with ma boy and celebrate together.

We went to Petaling Street to have a pray. Sounds funny right?!! During birthday went to temples to have a pray. This is because he said he is having some unfortune stuff had happened and at the meantime he told me my luck will be increased. As during birthday went to pray is like incresing your luck.

Then, we had our chinese herbal jelly to cure our thirst. Next, we went to Kuan Gee Wantan Mee. This oldie restaurant already operate more than 10 years. When I was a little kid, I ate before. The wantan is freaking taste gooooood!!! Later, we went to taste porridge. So called is well-known but I forgot the name of the restaurant. Is just next to the wantan mee restaurant if I'm not mistaken. The porridge is so smooth and their famous G Cheong Fun also taste yummyyyy!!!

Later on, we went to the Wong Kok at Pavilion to have the big jug or glasd milk tea. Ma boy wanted to try it because he didn't try before so do I. At the end, we couldn't finish up and went to the toilet non stop....Lolsss! Maybe because the milk tea had too much of creamy milk. I don't really drink milk tea though. But overall is a good try :-)

We also did order the main course at Wong Kok. I ordered the Curry Chicken Spaghetti recommended by ma boy. I love him sooo much! As this dish he recommended me AGAIN! Taste so delicioussssss!!! He ordered a Cheese Baked Rice with Mushroom. Not really nice for me but ma boy he said he never try before. So he gave it a try

Too many words hor?!! pictures time!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My chip tooth is gone!

I've been having a chip tooth from the age of 4 or 5 years old until this morning. Yay! The dentist told me he can do it for me and is not a problem. But the only thing is I cannot bite hard food. :-( I love chocolate lahhh!!! Anyway, I still will eat just using my side teeth to bite. Hahaha! This is the picture shows the result of my tooth, before and after.

Home cooked again!

On Sunday, I planned to do a homemade dishes again! I love to cook but is really depend on my mood though. Lols

Actually the penne pasta is only consider homemade. The other two dishes soup and egg were not homemade. It was I followed from the Kitches Boss Italian Chef. If you do watch the show of Cake Boss, you know who am I talking about. He is a Italian and this Kitchen Boss actually he cooks all his homemade Italian food.

The egg actually was from his aunt. Ingredients that are onions, 5 to 6 eggs, red and yellow capsicums. As for the soup, the ingredients are onions,carrots, potatoes, chicken breast and tomato paste. The soup was not use water but is used chicken stock.

Ikea Ikea Ikea

This blog is not about buying any furniture but is about food. Yeah food AGAIN! Lols...

Inside Ikea has a well known beef meatballs. My boy and I ate it before and we ate again. According to my boy, he told me the price is counted by plate how many meatballs. Some 10 and some 25 meatballs. I am not really sure though. Sorry for that, as he always the one queue up and pay. Feel abit guilty. Lols, but a big THANK YOU for you ya. Hehe...

Trust me, if you get the chance go to Ikea, or Ikano Power Centre and The Curve. You shall try it. Thought the portion of spaghetti not so big but it was sooo delicious! As for chocolate lover, you sure won't be miss out their chocolate brownies or cake. I have no idea what it calls but they only have one type. Next time I shall try their penne and apple pie.

240113 # Outing Part 2

Taiwanese Double-M Sausage,yummy!!!

Tou can get it at Times Square which near the BBQ Plaza. Cost was RM4.90 if I'm not mistaken. But it was totally worth it because it was sooooo delicious. There has many choices of flavour you can choose. But beware the picture here I post is really a sausage not a human dick. Lols

Later that, we tasted the Waffle Ham & Cheese stick! I forgot what is the name of the stall. The waffle tasted abit sweet if I order chocolate, that would me more fantastic!

I'm with my boyfie, all the food we eat also taste good. Do you wanna know why? This because the way he eats, it makes you want to taste the food. He is so suitable to do any commercial food. Haha.