Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Congrats to ME!

LOLs! First,I wanna mention here one thing though is kinda late lah. I got my previous semester exam's result. Though is not a great thing to show off here. But the main thing I wanna say is I finally have passed all. Yay! I was seventh heaven at that moment when I know I have passed ALL. As for yall information, during my college results I never pass all. This time I have passed all. I was sooo relieve! Actually I totally forgot to check my result but luckily I still have my boyfie that reminded me and helped me! Thanks ahhh! :P He was bad,made fun of me said I have fail one of the subject and made me miserable. Anyway,my hubby wanted to treat me some good food to congrat me ;D So we decided to go to:
As usual I like to do ugly post. Lol
My hubby again! He is vain and like to capture a lot of pictures. Lols!
I ordered chicken with prawns(prawns not so nice). Actually is chicken with pork chop,but I'm not really fan of pork though. But I still like to eat Bak Kut Teh,weird huh??!
Hubby ordered his favourite dish come with eggs.
This toufu I really like it comes with our sets meal. We were lucky, we met 2 fashionistas! For yall if are the FacebookerS. Yall might know a guy that is really fashinable and he wears the awkward and yet look gorgeous high heels by Alexander Mcqueen.
How lucky we were! :D At last:
Thank you hubby and I love you. I'm look fat in this picture