Sunday, October 9, 2011

Your awkward moments! ♥

mi amor♥

Simply ♥ her style!

Avril Lavigne style I really like.Because of her unique,energetic and whatever attitude style. she also likes converse too! :D

Love her clothing line but too bad Malaysia does not sell her clothes here!

♥Avril Lavigne♥


Just found out that my laptop does not have power point system. How am I going to do my english presentation for Tuesday. Even though I could download from the internet just only power point viewer which is bloody useless. Can't help either :( Gosh!!!! why only last minute! So darn!!! screw me plssss!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flu please go away !

Is suffering,sneez on and off. Wipe in using tissue non stop. Most hate the sickness has arrived but will try to recover soon. If not 'm really will suffer all the way to end of the month. Which I hate most because week 5 I'm starting to serve. so please get rid of me

Gracias Te amo! ♥

Thank you hubby boy for today those expenses for the food.Is really yummy and feel great at the same time too!♥♥♥

Sunday, October 2, 2011


"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'"
- Erich Fromm

Heart U ♥

This picture was captured on your birthday :)
Je t' aime♥♥♥